DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2004027台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 24: 305-315 (2004) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Development and Population Parameters of the Cowpea Aphid, Aphid craccivora Koch (Hemoptera: Aphididae), at Various Constant Temperatures 【Research Article】

Mei-Hwa Kuo* and Chia-Yu Chen
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2004/10/05     Accepted: 2004/12/15     Available online: 2004/12/01
In the laboratory, the development, longevity, fecundity, and population parameters of the cowpea aphid, Aphis craccivora Koch, were studied at six constant temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35℃) on seedlings of the asparagus bean, Vigna sesquipedalis (L.) Fruw. Results showed that the developmental time of immatures was decreased shortened from 28.1 days at 10℃ to 4.2 days at 30℃. According to the linear regression analysis of development rate and temperature between 10 and 30℃, overall immature development required 97.2 day-degrees above 7.4℃. Adult longevity decreased from 42.2 days at 15℃ to 6.2 days with increasing temperature to 35℃, at which temperature the average progeny per female was more than 82 individuals, up from 15 at 25℃. The intrinsic rate of increase (r) and the finite rate of increase (λ) were the lowest at 10℃ (r = 0.0437/d, λ = 1.0447/d), and the highest at 30℃ (r = 0.4330/d, λ= 1.5419/d). The population reared at 25℃ had the highest net reproductive rate (R0 = 97.1 offspring/female). The mean generation time (T) decreased as the temperature increased from 41.1 days at 10℃ to 8.3 days at 35℃.

以長豇豆 (Vigna sesquipedalis (L.) Fruw.) 苗飼育黑豆蚜 (Aphis craccivora Koch),於實驗室中觀察六個不同定溫處理 (10、15、20、25、30及35℃,光週期12L: 12D) 對若蚜發育時間、成蚜壽命及繁殖、族群介量之影響。結果顯示若蚜的發育時間由10℃的28.1天縮短至30℃的4.2天。根據10~30℃的發育速率與溫度的直線迴歸分析,估算未成熟期的發育臨界低溫為7.4℃,總積溫為97.2 DD (day-degree)。成蟲壽命由15℃的42.2天縮短至35℃的6.2天,而繁殖率在15~25℃下可達82 (子代/♀) 以上。最小內在增殖率 (r) 為10℃的0.0437/天,最大為30 oC的0.4330/天;終極增長率 (λ) 由10℃的1.0447/天增加至30℃的1.5419/天。在25℃下的族群具有最高之淨增殖率 (R0) 為97.1 (子代/♀)。平均世代時間 (T) 隨著溫度升高而由10℃的41.1天縮短至35℃的8.3天。

Key words: Aphis craccivora, population parameters, asparagus bean, temperature, development
關鍵詞: 黑豆蚜、族群介量、長豇豆、溫度、發育
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