DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2005017台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 25: 175-184 (2005) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Study on the Butterfly Fauna and Population Changes at Taipei Botanical Garden 【Research Article】

Yi-Bin Fan* Ping-Shih Yang
范義彬* 楊平世
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Received: 2005/06/15     Accepted: 2005/10/11     Available online: 2005/09/01
This study focuses on the butterfly fauna and population changes at in Taipei Botanical Garden, and attempts to determine the influence of changes in plants and management practices. The butterfly fauna of Taipei Botanical Garden was investigated by transect count monthly in 1989 and 1999. There were 47 species (1411 individual counts) recorded in 1989 and 60 species (2221 individual counts) in 1999; there were 41 species in 7 families recorded from 1945 to 1988 in the collection of the Insect Museum. The management of Taipei Botanical Garden was modified in 1996. Many new exhibition sections were created in and 600 new plants were transplanted into the investigated areas. Many of them are host plants or nectar plants of butterflies, thus contributing to the increase in the butterfly population and species diversity. However, digging in the bamboo section and the increased frequency of weeding have caused significant decreases in Parnara spp. and Lethe europa pavida (Fru.), which respectively feed on the Poaceae and bamboo. The results of this study can serve as a reference for habitat management and species conservation.


Key words: Taipei Botanical Garden, butterfly fauna, population, habitat management
關鍵詞: 台北植物園、蝶相、族群、棲地管理
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