DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2005027台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 25: 303-308 (2005) 科學短訊  Scientific note
Formosan Entomologist
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Preliminary Study of the Life Cycle of Cassida circumdata Herbst (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) 【Scientific note】

Kao-Yu Liu and Wen-Feng Hsiao*
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Received: 2005/09/13     Accepted: 2005/12/12     Available online: 2005/12/01
A study of the life cycle of Cassida circumdata Herbst (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) feeding on sweet potato leaf was conducted in a 25oC incubator. Results showed that the egg was greenish, elliptical, 1.2 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, and laid on the undersurface of the leaf. Eggs were covered by a secretion of the female’s accessory glands. The hatching rate was 100%. The egg stage lasted 4-8 days with a mean of 5.65 days. The larvae had five instars and were spindle-shaped, and their periphery was fringed with spines. For the 1st to 5th instars, body lengths were 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 2.8 and 3.5 mm, and stadium durations were 2.86, 2.82, 2.65, 2.92 and 4.21 days, respectively. Survival rates of larvae were 100%. Larva legs had hooks to help adhere onto the leaf surface, and exuvia remained attached at the tip of abdomen. Prepupae were fresh green, and the body length averaged 4.4 mm. The prepupal stage lasted 1-4 days, with a mean of 2.01 days. Pupae were greenish, elliptical, and 4.0 mm long, and the stage lasted 5-8 days, with a mean of 5.77 days. The notum was transparent and extended to the front, while exuvia remained at the tip of the abdomen. Adults had a metallic green color with two black lines on the dorsal surface. The compound eyes and antennae were black. The body size of the female was larger than that of the male with respective body lengths of 4.5 and 4.0 mm. Adult longevity of the female was 143 days, and was 161.6 days for the male, with some individuals able to live for 8 months. Adults were able to mate and oviposit in a small space such as a Petri dish (with a diameter of 5.5 cm). Females mated several times and laid 210-1444 eggs with a mean of 680.

於25oC恆溫箱內,以桃改二號甘藷葉片餵飼縱條姬斗笠龜金花蟲 (Cassida circumdata Herbst),探討其生活史。結果顯示卵長橢圓形,卵長1.2 mm,寬0.5 mm,產於葉背,翠綠色,單產,卵包被一層翼狀膠質物。卵期4~8天,平均為5.7天。孵化率為100%。幼蟲全期五齡,一至五齡蟲之體長分別為1.2、1.5、2.0、2.8及3.5 mm。齡期平均分別為2.9、2.8、2.6、2.9及4.2天,存活率皆為100%。一、二齡幼蟲足趾鉤及其二旁的毛刺能將身體粘附在葉背。一、二齡幼蟲淡黃色。三至五齡幼蟲體色、棘毛等極為類似,只有體型大小之不同。幼蟲皆將蛻皮留在腹部末端。前蛹鮮綠色,體長4.4 mm,前蛹期1~4天,平均2.0天。蛹綠色,近長方形,蛹體長4.1 mm,齡期5~8天,平均5.8天,存活率為100%。蛹前胸背板外伸為本蟲特徵之一。化蛹時會將幼蟲最後一齡的蛻皮脫去,並留在腹部末端,以固定於葉背。成蟲翅鞘綠色光滑有金屬光澤,鞘翅上有黑色條紋,複眼及觸角的前端為黑色。雌成蟲比雄成蟲體型大,雌、雄成蟲體長各為4.5及4.0 mm,雌成蟲齡期平均為143天,雄成蟲齡期平均為161.6天,有些成蟲壽命可長達8個月以上。每隻雌成蟲一生交尾多次,產卵量變化甚多自210~1444個,平均680個。

Key words: tortoise beetle, Cassida circumdata, life cycle, sweet potato
關鍵詞: 縱條姬斗笠金花蟲、Cassida circumdata、生活史、甘藷
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