DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2006027台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 26: 307-318 (2006) 綜合論述  Review Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Quantitative Genetic Aspects of the Quality Control of Mass-Reared Insects: The Case of the Melon Fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae) 【Review Article】

定量遺傳與大量飼育昆蟲之品質管制:以瓜實蠅(Bactrocera cucurbitae)為例【綜合論述】
Takahisa Miyatake
Takahisa Miyatake
*通訊作者E-mail :􀀄
Received: 2005/12/05     Accepted: 2006/07/26     Available online: 2006/12/01
Quantitative genetic studies of the life history and behavioral traits are important in the quality control of insect mass-rearing programs. First, the quality control for mass-reared insects is briefly summarized from the view of quantitative genetics. Second, differences in some characteristics between wild and mass-reared melon fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae) strains in Okinawa are reviewed, and the genetic factors which can cause these differences are discussed. Third, some quantitative genetic studies evaluating the quality of mass-reared melon flies are also reviewed. These include heritability estimations and artificial selection experiments. Fourth, recent advances in studies on relationships between clock genes and quality control for sterile insect techniques which depend on the successful mating of released males with wild females are briefly introduced. Finally, genetic relationships between life-history and behavioral traits are discussed using the Okinawa mass-reared melon fly as a model case of quantitative genetic aspects in quality control of mass-reared insects especially for sterile insect techniques.


Key words: heritability, genetic correlation, mass-rearing, selection, sterile insect technique
關鍵詞: 遺傳率、遺傳相關、大量飼養、選汰、不孕性昆蟲技術
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