DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2007008台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 27: 97-106 (2007) 綜合論述  Review Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Insecticides from Fermentation Secondary Metabolites 【Review Article】

Eddie Hang Chio*
招 衡*
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Received: 2007/04/02     Accepted: 2007/04/24     Available online: 2007/06/01
Microorganisms produce a number of novel and useful molecules including insecticides. Avermectin and spinosad are fermentation secondary metabolites with excellent insecticidal activities with combined sales over US$ 1.25 B. Both products are classified under the category of Agricultural Antibiotics although they post very weak to no antimicrobial activities. By nature, they should be classified as bio-insecticides. ROC government has committed to biopesticides research since 1995 and their focuses were on Bt-based products, a primary metabolites from fermentation. There is no screening operation as yet for insecticides from fermentation secondary metabolites on the island. Chance, serendipity and luck played a critical role in the discovery of avermectin and spinosad. The serendipity aspect in the spinosad discovery has never been published and will be discussed here.


Key words: Fermentation secondary metabolites, avermectin, spinosad, discovery
關鍵詞: 發酵第二代謝物、亞弗素、賜諾殺、研發。
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