DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2009023台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 29: 279-292 (2009) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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New Trend of Ecological Industry-as Example of Value and Development of Firefly Watching Activities in Mt. Ali Area 【Research Article】

Jen-Zon Ho1, Chia-Hsiung Wu2, Yu-Hui Chen3, and Ping-Shih Yang2*
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Received: 2009/04/17     Accepted: 2009/10/02     Available online: 2009/12/01
From June, 2003 to Dec, 2006, 2 families, 11 genera, and 42 fireflies’ species were recorded in the firefly survey in the Mt. Ali area. These results show that the following adult fireflies are available for firefly watching depending on the season: Luciola cerata and L. anceyi in spring, L. praeusta and L. trilucida in summer, Pyocoelia praetexta and Diaphanes citrinus in autumn and D. nubilus and D. lampyroides in winter. Firefly specialists help visitors and the members of the local community to observe and identify the fireflies and explain why the local community should protect the firefly habitat and how to recognize the ecology of fireflies. Using the concept of biodiversity, firefly watching was created and prompted by the government as a new item for ecotourism. Gradually firefly watching in the Mt. Ali area has become a well known activity in Taiwan. The income of the Bed and Breakfast (B&B) and firefly watching tour operators in the Mt. Ali area was collected by questionnaire for the 9 month period from Jun, 2007 to Feb, 2008. The data from 31 operators were collected (not including the Mt. Ali national forest recreation area). The average operators had providing B&B and operating firefly watching tours for 7.5 years. Tours were mainly conducted mainly during the spring and summer months. Firefly watching tours were conducted between 6-9:00 p.m., lasted about 1 hour, and the B&B guests were given one free tour per evening. The total travel business income in the Mt. Ali area amounted to NTD 931,000,000 annually (not including the sale of any agricultural products). The annual income of the B&B operators during the firefly watching season (from Apr. to Jun.) and the rest of the year were NTD 52,654,560 dollars (28.67%) and NTD 131,011,920 dollars (71.33%), respectively. The monthly incomes during the firefly watching period and the non-firefly watching months were NTD 17,551,520 and NTD 14,556,880 respectively, which was a significant difference (p = 0.023, δ < 0.05). The results show that firefly watching in the Mt. Ali area is beneficial to the B&B operator. In order to further increase the income of the B&B operators it is suggested to improve the management of the firefly watching industry and to promote the Mt. Ali area as a world class scenic area.

整理阿里山地區螢火蟲資源調查結果共記錄 2 科 11 屬 42 種,依據成蟲出現的季節種類可規劃賞螢活動:春季為黑翅螢 (Luciola cerata)、大端黑螢 (L. anceyi);夏季為端黑螢 (L. praeusta)、三節熠螢 (L. trilucida);秋季為山窗螢 (Pyocoelia praetexta)、橙螢 (Diaphanes citrinus);冬季則為神木螢 (D. nubilus)、鋸角雪螢 (D. lampyroides)。為發展阿里山螢火蟲生態產業,於 2001 年起進入阿里山地區教育民宿業者及社區民眾,講授螢火蟲相關課程,引導居民從觀察及瞭解螢火蟲之發光行為、生物學及生態學,體驗螢火蟲發光之美,進而達到保護螢火蟲棲地,營造賞螢之良好環境,使得賞螢活動成為該地區重要生物資源及生態導覽項目。為了瞭解當地民宿業者對於賞螢活動規劃行程及所獲得的產值,並建立當地民宿業者資料,自 2007 年 6 月至 2008 年 2 月止,以問卷成功訪問了 31 家民宿業者,結果得知業者經營賞螢活動平均 7.5 年,以春、夏季為主;導覽解說賞螢時段在晚上 6~9 點間,每晚一場。並根據結果推估阿里山地區民宿活動年營收 (不包含農特產品) 約為 9 億 3 仟 1 百萬元。賞螢季 (4 月至 6 月) 業者總營收約 52,654,560 元,約占全年營收之 28.67%;非賞螢季 (7 月至次年 3 月)業者總營收 131,011,920 元,約占全年營收之 71.33%;賞螢季的月營收約 17,551,520 元 (54%),顯著高於非賞螢季之月營收 14,556,880 元 (46%) (p = 0.023, δ < 0.05),證實賞螢活動對於民宿及旅行業者所帶來的收益甚高。本研究亦建議對於螢火蟲生態產業中提高產值、提出經營管理與競爭力的方法,打造阿里山成為國際級賞螢區的新典範。

Key words: firefly, ecotourism, ecological industry, firefly watching, Mt. Ali
關鍵詞: 螢火蟲、生態民宿、生態產業、阿里山地區。
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