DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2010004台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 30: 51-63 (2010) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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The Influence of Sprayers and Formulations on Insecticide Droplet Subsidence 【Research Article】

Wei-Tai Hsia*, Ping-Fuai Wu, Cheo Lin, and Yi-Chieh Yang
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Received: 2009/10/06     Accepted: 2009/12/15     Available online: 2010/03/01
The objective of this research was to study the influence of sprayers and formulations on insecticide droplet subsidence. The correct combinations of sprayer type and insecticide formulation were investigated to determine the safe re-entry time for the residents. Different formulations of cypermethrin (e.g. Liquid, Emulsion, ULV and Oil) were sprayed, using three types of sprayer (knapsack-motorized mistblower, ULV and fogger) to conduct the experiments. The droplet parameters (size and quantity) were measured with Sizing Master (LaVision Inc.). The time fluctuations were also recorded. The results showed that the knapsack-motorized mistblower could be filled with any kind of insecticide formulations. Both the initial and the final average quantity and size of the droplets were large, so they descended within 2-3 minutes and the preferred nozzle position was facing downward for creating the residue spray. Only water-soluble insecticides are suitable for ULV. Both the droplet quantity and size measured in the upper space of the enclosure were larger than in the lower space. Consequently, the nozzle should be adjusted 15-30o upward to spray an enclosure. A fogger using oil-soluble insecticide was found to be the best combination for a space spray. The droplets are tiny, uniform and evenly dispersed, remaining suspended in the air for 2-3 hours. When conducting a space spray in a residence for dengue vector control, the threshold time for safe re-entry was determined to be 3.5 hours after the spraying of insecticide, to ensure the health of the public.

本研究目的在探討各型噴霧機施噴各劑型環藥之藥粒霧化及其隨時間推移在空間中沉降變化的情形,以確認噴霧機型與環藥劑型之最佳噴灑組合及各型噴霧機最適噴灑方式與噴藥後民眾返家入內安全臨界時間。以粒徑分析儀在不同高度處 (2.2、0.5 公尺) 分別量測動力式噴霧機、超低容量機及煙霧機施噴含有相同有效成分 (賽滅寧) 但劑型不同 (液劑、乳劑、油劑及超低容量劑) 的特殊環藥之各項噴霧粒徑參數 (平均粒徑、粒子數目等) 及其隨時間變化的情形。結果發現:環藥各劑型皆可用於動力式噴霧機,其在開始噴灑瞬間所噴出的粒子直徑與數目皆較大,故在噴出後 2~3 分鐘內即完全沉降地面,因此噴頭宜向下以實施殘效噴灑。超低容量機適合施噴水性藥劑,噴灑開始瞬間之粒徑與數目在噴霧範圍內之高處皆大於低處者,故噴頭宜上仰 15~30o 以實施空間噴灑。煙霧機施噴油劑為最佳之空間噴灑組合,其噴霧粒子微細、均勻分布且能長時 (2~3 小時) 飄浮於空氣中,因此吾人只須立於房門外向內噴灑,即可使藥粒自然擴散、充份瀰漫於空間中。由於噴藥人員不需踏入室內噴灑,不但可降低其因長期曝露於藥霧中所導致之中毒機率,亦可避免其與住戶之衝突、消弭民怨。於家戶內實施空間噴灑時,由於噴霧藥粒最長需 3 小時左右始能完全沉降地面,故為維護民眾身體健康,建議民眾最好於噴藥後 3.5 小時再行返家入內較為安全,如此既可使藥劑充份瀰漫空間,達到全面撲殺病媒之目的,亦可減少干擾民眾生活起居、進而保障國人身體健康。

Key words: droplet sizing, subsidence, vector control, space spray
關鍵詞: 粒徑分析、沉降、病媒防治、空間噴灑。
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