DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2010020台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 30: 263-271 (2010) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Monitoring the Red Imported Fire Ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Hsinchu County, Taiwan 【Research Article】

新竹地區入侵紅火蟻 (膜翅目:蟻科) 之監測【研究報告】
Mei-Hwa Kuo1*, Kun-Lung Lee2, Chih-Jay Hsu1, Ming-Chih Chiu1, Wei-Ting Liu1, and Ya-Tin Wu1
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2010/09/08     Accepted: 2010/10/30     Available online: 2010/12/01
It is believed that most areas of Taiwan can provide a viable habitat for the red imported fire ant (RIFA), Solenopsis invicta, an invasive pest ant species that was first reported in Taoyuan County, Taiwan in 2003. In 2006, the RIFA was found to have invaded some areas of Hsinchu County, which is situated south of Taoyuan County. To understand the distribution of this pest in this newly invaded region, we conducted detailed surveys of the RIFA in Hsinchu County using the “3S techniques’’ (geographic information system, GIS, global position system, GPS, and remote sensing system, RSS). The results indicated that the frequency of positive sites (RIFA detected) has increased year after year. Only three sites were detected in 2006, and in 2007 and 2008 sites were discovered in six townships. In 2009, the RIFA was found to have dispersed to nine townships, two of which, Singfon and Hokou are considered as serious invasions. In order to prevent the further spread of RIFA, we suggest that, in addition to controlling and monitoring the ants, the soil and the vegetation of the RIFA-detected sites be carefully managed.

2003年入侵紅火蟻 (Solenopsis invicta) 入侵,且臺灣被預測將是入侵紅火蟻可生存的棲息地,2006年此入侵害蟲分散到新竹地區。本研究利用3S技術 (GIS、RSS、GPS) 進行新竹地區入侵紅火蟻發生點偵察及監測。結果顯示2006年僅3個發生點,2007~2008年分散到6個鄉鎮,2009年分散到9個鄉鎮,其中與桃園縣相鄰之新豐鄉及湖口鄉較嚴重。為了有效遏止族群擴散,建議除了防治及嚴密監控該地族群,更應對土方及植栽苗木進行移動管制。

Key words: 3S techniques, Solenopsis invicta, dispersal
關鍵詞: 3S技術、入侵紅火蟻、分散。
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