DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2010021台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 30: 273-295 (2010) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Composition and Characteristics of Butterfly Communities in Different Types of Habitat on Hohuanshan 【Research Article】

Yu-Chuan Chiu1,2, Huai-Sheng Fang1, and Fu-Hsiung Hsu2*
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Received: 2010/09/21     Accepted: 2010/12/24     Available online: 2010/12/01
In order to understand the relationships among the species richness, the communities and the different habitats of the butterflies on Hohuanshan in central Taiwan, we surveyed the number of butterflies in each species in six different types of habitat from January to December 2006. A total of 1,181 butterflies belonging to 51 species and 5 families were recorded. Among them, the Nymphalidae were the best represented, accounting for 47% of the species and 89.6% of the total number of the butterflies. The butterfly community in the farm land (FL) had the highest species richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity indexes. On the other hand, in the habitat of the Taiwan fir forest (TF) only 13 species of butterflies were recorded. This means that human activity did not reduce the species richness of butterflies, but that there might be differences between the different components of a community. The results of the cluster analysis indicated that there were three clusters of butterfly communities that were influenced by environmental factors, including altitudes, types of habitat and geographical distances.

為瞭解合歡山地區之蝶種豐富度及群聚組成與棲地的關係,本研究自 2006 年 1 月至 12 月於合歡山地區分別設置林緣、農墾地、箭竹草原、冷杉林、二葉松混合林及針闊葉混合林等 6 種不同棲地共 12 條穿越線來進行蝶類相及棲地調查。蝶類相調查採用穿越線調查法及陷阱誘集法,結果共記錄 5 科 50 種 1,181 隻次的蝶類,其中蛺蝶科 (Nymphalidae) 記錄有 24 種 1,026 隻次,而玉山蔭蝶 (Zophoessa niitakana) 是最顯要的蝶種 (619 隻次),但其它稀少蝶種的種類數頗多。在 6 種不同的棲地中,以農墾地 (FL) 出現較多的蝶種,且其種豐富度及 S-W歧異度指數均較其它棲地高,顯示人為干擾並未導致該地之蝶類多樣性降低,但其蝶類群聚組成則與其它棲地不同。而冷杉林 (TF) 則僅有 13 種之蝶類記錄為最少。經由群集分析 (cluster analysis) 與典型對應分析 (CCA) 發現,不同穿越線的蝶類群聚可能受到棲地、海拔或地理距離的影響。

Key words: Hohuanshan, butterfly community, species richness, cluster analysis
關鍵詞: 合歡山、蝶類群聚、種豐度、群集分析。
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