DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2012016台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 32: 271-287 (2012) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Techniques for Trapping House Flies and Evaluation the Control Efficiency on a Poultry Farm 【Research Article】

Wei-Min Huang, and Yi-Pey Luo*
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Received: 2012/08/28     Accepted: 2012/09/17     Available online: 2012/09/01
The food lures and trap color preference of the house fly were investigated in the laboratory. From the modified two-chamber olfactometer-experiment it was observed that house flies are significantly attracted to the odors of dry and liquid beef peptone. These and other chemical attractants were selected and tested in a screened cage (L: 93 cm, W: 47.5 cm, H: 47.5 cm) in order to determine the most attractive food lures for the house fly. The result revealed that the most attractive food for house flies was a mixture of 50% sucrose solution with a 10% mix protein component (beef peptone + elvers powder, 5:5). The 0.5% Tween 20 and 1% ethanol added to liquid food lures could provide a more effective trapping system for house flies. Food lures that are prepared fresh and used within 1-2 days resulted in improved collections compared to the food lures that were used after 3 days as well as commercial fly bait. Fly traps that were painted with white spray paint resulted in a significant increase in trap captures. Field trials were conducted on a poultry farm to test the food lures and the idea of white traps to catch the house flies. We averaged the counts of each fly grid to determine the fly population density and to estimate the control efficiency. The efficiency of controlling the house fly reached 95.86% on day 8 post-treatment. It was concluded that the proposed technique for trapping house flies to control the house fly population on a poultry farm was effective. In other words, trapping of house flies with non-toxic baits could be used for domestic pest control.

本研究於實驗室探討誘引劑對家蠅的誘殺效果及誘引器顏色對家蠅的誘引效果,並評估應用於養雞場對家蠅的防治成效。以嗅覺測定設備測試家蠅對牛肉蛋白腖有最明顯的的嗅覺偏好,其次為雞肉蛋白腖及幼鰻粉,供試液體食物較乾式食物有較佳的誘引效果。測試網籠中放置供試誘引劑,測試對5~9日齡、雌雄混合家蠅的誘捕率。台糖貳號特砂糖對家蠅的誘捕率最佳,與台糖精製特砂、台糖高級紅糖及黑糖蜜試驗組具顯著差異,以台糖貳號特砂糖配製50% 蔗糖溶液對家蠅有明顯誘引效果,在蔗糖溶液添加0.5或1% 的Tween 20,可防止被誘殺的家蠅逃逸且不影響誘捕率。10% 蛋白質溶液對家蠅的誘引效果最佳,尤其是牛肉蛋白腖及幼鰻粉各含 5% 最為顯著,引誘效果較不同濃度單獨牛肉蛋白腖溶液 (10、5及1%)、不同組合 (牛肉蛋白腖與雞肉蛋白腖、雞肉蛋白腖與幼鰻粉) 及其它牛肉蛋白腖及幼鰻粉比例 (9:1、7:3、3:7及1:9) 佳。誘引劑中加入1% 乙醇,可明顯增加家蠅的誘捕率。本實驗證實以50% 蔗糖溶液做為誘引劑的基質,加入含5% 牛肉蛋白腖與5% 幼鰻粉的蛋白質,再添加0.5% 的Tween 20和1% 的乙醇,以新鮮配製及配製後第1至第2天對家蠅有較佳的誘引效果,配製後第3天及市售家蠅誘引劑的誘引效果較差。誘引器顏色會影響對家蠅的誘引效果,以塗刷白色顏料誘引器的誘引效果最佳。於養雞場進行食物誘引劑與白色誘引器對家蠅防治效果評估,以蠅格子估算家蠅發生密度,試驗至第8天的防治率達95.77%,計算第4天及第8天誘引器的平均誘捕數量分別為1,200隻及1,335隻,試驗結果證實可有效降低家蠅發生密度。本研究以無毒安全的誘引劑,配合誘引器顏色,可有效降低田間家蠅的數量,此家蠅誘殺技術可提供未來田間防治的參考。

Key words: Musca domestica, food lures, sucrose, peptone, color preference
關鍵詞: 家蠅、誘引劑、蔗糖、蛋白腖、顏色偏好。
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