DOI:10.6662/TESFE.2015016台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 35: 227-243 (2015) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Biodiversity of the Alishan Wasabi Agroecosystem and Natural Ecosystem 【Research Article】

Min-Jieh Lin1 and Wen-Feng Hsiao2*
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Received: 2015/01/20     Accepted: 2016/03/09     Available online: 2016/03/01
Biodiversity surveys were conducted from October 2004 to January 2006. All organisms collected were from the Alishan forest site (NF), the wasabi field (WF) or the fallow wasabi field (FWF). All samples were collected using the sweep net or pitfall trap method, and the differences in biodiversity between agroecosystem and natural ecosystem were compared. In total, 23137
individuals were collected, belonging to 7 classes, 25 orders, and 103 families. Among them, 13866 individuals were collected using the sweeping net method, and they belonged to 2 classes, 16 orders and 90 families. We collected 5946 individuals from the NF site, 4201 individuals from the WA site, and 3719 individuals from the FWF. Insects were the dominant class. In the pitfall trap sampling, 9271 individuals were collected belonging to 7 classes, 22 orders, 65 families, with 2116 individuals from the NF site, 3804 individuals from the WF and 3351 individuals from the FWF. Insects were the dominant class. Among these three habitats, the arthropods and habitat patterns of the agroecosystem were highly similar between the WF and the FWF; however, the natural ecosystem of the NF had the highest diversity (0.63).

本調查自2004 年10 月起至2006 年1 月止,於選定之阿里山天然林樣區、山葵田樣區及休耕山葵田樣區,以掃網及掉落式陷阱方式進行樣區之生物多樣性調查,同時比較農業生態系與自然生態系生物多樣性之差異。總計採得7 綱25 目103 科23137隻,掃網方法總共採獲2 綱16 目90 科138665 隻,其中天然林樣區5946 隻 (昆蟲綱佔42.88%)、山葵田4201 隻 (昆蟲綱佔30.30%) 及休耕山葵田3719 隻 (昆蟲綱佔26.82%),三個樣區的無脊椎動物皆以昆蟲綱為優勢綱;掉落式陷阱採獲7 綱22目65 科9271 隻,其中天然林樣區2116 隻 (昆蟲綱佔22.82%)、山葵田3804 隻 (昆蟲綱佔41.03%) 及休耕山葵田3351 隻 (昆蟲綱佔36.15%),皆以昆蟲綱為優勢綱。
就季節性物種歧異度指數而言,掃網法調查中以休耕山葵田的夏季最高 (2.213),最低的是冬季的山葵田 (0.997),三個樣區皆以夏季時為最高;掉落式陷阱調查中以夏季的休耕山葵田最高 (2.284),最低的是春季的休耕山葵田 (0.462)。就季節性均勻度指數而言,掃網法調查中以夏季的天然林樣區最高 (0.721),最低的是冬季的山葵田(0.352);掉落式陷阱調查中以天然林樣區的春季最高 (0.785),最低的是秋季的休耕山葵田 (0.241)。三種棲地類型中,以農業生態系的山葵田和休耕山葵田之無脊椎動物相和棲地類型相似度最高,而多樣性則以自然生態系的天然林為最高 (0.630)。

Key words: Agroecosystems, Wasabi field, forest, arthropods, insects
關鍵詞: 農業生態系、山葵田、自然生態系、節肢動物、昆蟲
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