  • 期刊


Evaluating the Training Effectiveness of the Pest Control and Pesticide Safety Course Offered by the Farmer's Academy in Taiwan


本研究以農民學院「病蟲害防治及安全用藥進階訓練班」學員為對象,進行Kirkpatrick評鑑模式之學習(L2)、行為(L3)與結果(L4)等層級訓練成效評估,針對2016年參訓學員進行訓練前後測評量,另針對2013~2015年結訓學員持續以「追踨評核問卷」瞭解完訓後1~3年學員於安全用藥之自我認知提升程度。2016年參訓學員於學習場所進行學習(L2)層級之訓練前後測,經成對樣本t檢定結果顯示參訓前、後於安全用藥四構面之自我認知有顯著的差異。在追踨調查結訓學員回到工作場所,於行為(L3)層級在課程中20項知識實用性認知方面,最佳成效之前3項為「農藥標示與偽劣農藥辨識能力」、「農藥殘留容許量與安全採收期能力」、「農藥安全防護措施能力」;而在探討學員背景變項對於安全用藥四構面之自我能力認知上,經獨立樣本t檢定顯示「專業農民」身份背景者在「作物病蟲草害管理」構面認知上達顯著差異(P < 0.001)。另在農業經營績效結果(L4)層級上,課程結束1~3年後,66.1%學員表示農產品銷售額有增加(保守推估至少增加10.04%以上),70.4%學員表示經營利潤有提升(至少增加9.3%以上),85.9%學員表示農藥使用量有降低之情形(至少降低14.2%以上)。本研究結果顯示「病蟲害防治及安全用藥進階訓練班」確實有助學員於作物病蟲草害管理、農藥毒性識別、農藥安全使用及防護及作物整合管理之安全用藥知識與能力之提升,將持續追蹤訓練成效,做為每年度課程設計與調整之方向。


This study investigated the training effectiveness of the pest control and pesticide safety application course offered by the Farmers' Academy. Two questionnaires based on Kirkpatrick's four-level evaluation model were designed to study the training effectiveness. The first questionnaire evaluated "learning level" and was administered to participants before and after they had completed the training course. This evaluation revealed that participants significantly increased their awareness of "Integrated Pest Management", "Identifying pesticide toxicity and pesticide labels", "Protective equipment for safety handling pesticides", and "Integrated Crop Management" after completing the course. The second questionnaire evaluated the "behavior level" and "result level" of Kirkpatrick’s four-level model. Specifically, this second questionnaire tracked the awareness and farm management effectiveness of trainees 1~3 years after they had completed the training course. We received 142 valid responses (a recovery rate of 73%) for this questionnaire, and this data showed that "Ability to identify counterfeit pesticide products and pesticide labels", "Knowledge of Pesticide Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) and Pre-harvest Interval (PHI)", and "Knowledge of personal protective equipment for handling pesticides" were the top three ability of the rational usage in pesticide application, after 1~3 years. In terms of benefits to the farm, 66.1% of the trainees considered in this study reported an increase (of at least 10.04%) in crop sales, 70.4% reported an increase (of at least 9.3%) in agricultural operating profit, and 85.9% reported a decrease (of at least 14.2%) in per pesticide usage unit area. Findings from this study can be used to help further improve the design of the pesticide safety application course.
