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Heavy Dietary Iron Loading Reduced IRE-Binding Activities of Iron Regulatory Proteins in Rat liver




鐵調節蛋白(iron regulatory proteins 1 and 2, IRPs)藉由與特定mRNA上的IRE(iron responsive element)結合,影響某些蛋白質的表現,例如:鐵蛋白、運鐵蛋白受體及粒線體aconitase等,進而調節鐵的貯存、獲取及利用,維持細胞鐵的恆定。細胞培養實驗顯示加鐵會使IRP1插入鐵硫聚集轉變為細胞質aconitase,失去與IRE結合的能力,但是不會改變IRP1蛋白質的量。另一方面,鐵會加速IRP2蛋白質的降解作用,進而降低其與IRE結合的量。本實驗的目的乃是探討餵飼高鐵飼料對大鼠肝臟IRPs活性的影響,並觀察鐵蛋白的表現是否受IRPs/IRE系統調控。十二隻離乳SD品系雄鼠,隨機分為二組,分別餵予正常(37mg/kg Fe)及高鐵(2.5% carbonyl iron;25,000 mg/kg Fe)飼料8週,犧牲取樣進行分析。結果發現,高鐵餵飼會使得大鼠肝臟堆積大量的鐵,IRPs的自發性IRE結合活性顯著降低,鐵蛋白表現增加,符合目前已知的調控機制。


鐵調節蛋白 高鐵 鐵蛋白 大鼠


Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs)-1 and -2 regulate the synthesis of proteins involved in iron homeostasis through binding to the iron-responsive element (IRE) in the putative mRNA. In cell culture, the iron supplement converts IRPl to the inactive IRE-binding form-cytosolic aconitase, by inserting an iron-sulfur cluster without changing the protein level. In contrast to IRP 1, iron inactivates IRP 2 by promoting its degradation. In addition to examining the effect of a dietary iron overload on the hepatic IRE-binding activities of IRPs in an animal and to determine if the IRPs/IRE system exhibits a regulatory function in relation to the expression of ferritin, rats were fed either a control diet (C, 35 mg/kg Fe) or an iron-overloaded diet (IO, 25, 000 mg/kg Fe) for 8 weeks. In accordance with the current regulatory theory, iron overloading was found to reduce the spontaneous IRE-binding activities of hepatic IRPs. Changes in ferritin content and mitochondrial aconitase activity were consistent with the regulation of their abundance by IRPs.
