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Effects of Acid and Neutral Fraction Separated from High-Heat Treated of Egg Yolk Oil on Lipid Metabolism in Hamsters


為瞭解高溫煉製蛋黃油(High Temperature Heated Egg Yolk Oil, HTEO)之酸性與中性油脂封倉鼠脂質代謝之影響,將新鮮蛋黃置於260℃電熱板加熱24小時製得高溫煉製蛋黃油,再將其依pH值區分為中性蛋黃油(neutral yolk oil, NO)及酸性蛋黃油(acid yolk oil, AO)油層,以倉鼠為實驗動物模式,探討其對倉鼠脂質代謝之影響。將實驗倉鼠隋機區分五組,分別為Basal+0.1% cholesterol(CHOL),Basal+2% AO(AO2),Basal+4% AO(AO4),Basal+2% NO(NO2)及Basal(control),調整P/S=1,脂質含量為10%,均以自由給食方式飼養六週。結果顯示攝取含蛋油之各組其肝重及肝體比均顯著比封對照組高,約高20.97~43.59%及47.44%,AO2及NO2則無顯著差異;血漿組成顯示,攝食含蛋黃油之各試驗組,其血漿總膽固醇、總三酸甘油脂、總磷脂質及VLDL、LDL、HDL等部分之膽固醉、三酸甘油脂、磷脂質均無顯著差異,AI(Atherogenic index)值亦同;在肝臟脂質組成顯示,攝食蛋黃油之各組其肝臟膽固醇含量皆顯著比對照組高,約高99.99~156.8%,總三酸甘油酯含量顯著較低,約低45.66~76.03%,AO2及NO2兩組之肝臟膽固醇及總三酸甘油酯含量則無顯著差異;脂肪酸組成顯示,攝食AO2組之雄鼠其血漿飽和脂肪酸、ω-6脂肪酸及心臟單元不飽和脂肪酸顯著較NO2組高;糞便固醇顯示攝食含蛋黃油之各組均顯著比封照組高,約高31.58%~48.60%,但攝食蛋黃油之各組則無顯著差異;整體而言,高溫煉製蛋油無論是酸性油層或中性油層均比對照組顯著增加倉鼠血漿低密度膽固醇、高密度膽固醇及促動脈硬化指標,降低肝臟三酸甘油酯之作用。


高溫 熱處理 蛋油 血脂質 肝脂質


To investigate the effects of lipid metabolism in the hamster, fresh egg yolks were heated to 260°C for 24 h to produce the high-temperature heated egg yolk oil (HTEO). The HTEO was subsequently divided into neutral yolk oil (NO) and acid yolk oil (AD) according to the pH value. Five groups of hamsters (eight in each group) were separately fed the following diets: basal (control), basal + 0.1% cholesterol (CHOL), basal + 2% AD (A02), basal + 4% AD (AD4) , and basal + 2% ND ( N02 ). The total lipid contents in all diets were kept to 10% with a P/S ratio of 1 by varying the amounts of lard and soybean oil. Hamsters were fed these diets ad fib/turn for 6 weeks. The results showed that supplementation of HTED to the diet significantly increased the liver weight by 20.97%—43.59% and the liver to body weight ratio by 47.44% when compared to the control. Levels of plasma total cholesterol, VLDL-C, LDL-C, HDL-C, the atherogenic index, total TG, and total phospholipids in all four experimental groups were also significantly higher. The diets with HTEO produced significantly higher values for total liver cholesterol, but resulted in lower values for total liver TG. The fatty acid composition of plasma was also changed by the addition of HTEO (higher in the 18:1 and 18:2, and lower in the 18:0, 20:4, and 22:6). Compared to the control, monounsaturated fatty acids in the heart and spleen for the N02 group were found to be lower, while polyunsaturated fatty acids were higher. All experimental groups had higher fecal sterol concentrations. In conclusion, this study showed that supplementation with HTEO increased plasma lipids and lowered liver triglyceride in hamsters.
