  • 期刊


Effect of Containment on Physical Indices of Premature Infants after Feeding


早產兒一出生即被迫與父母分開,新生兒加護病房通常是早產兒所接觸到的第一個環境,早產兒在住院中時,所給予的侵入性治療或照護活動,都會影響早產兒的生理指標及神經肌肉發展。本研究目的在探討寧握護理對早產兒餵食後生理指標之影響,採類實驗性研究,在南部某區域教學醫院新生兒加護病房收案,實驗組、對照組採隨機分派,其中實驗組、對照組各為30名,共收案60名早產兒。實驗組於餵食及寧握護理20分鐘,對照組則無任何介入措施。研究工具包括個案基本資料及生理指標之測定。資料以SPSS 14.0版進行分析檢定。研究結果顯示:寧握護理能有效穩定早產兒生理指標,提升血氧飽和濃度(95.83% vs 98.37%; F=44.502,p=.000),但在其他生理指標上並未呈現顯著性差異。期待寧握護理能持續應用於臨床實務,並提升早產兒之照顧品質。


寧握護理 早產兒 生理指標


Once premature infants are born, they are forced to leave their parents. Neonatal intensive care units (NICU) are often the first environment that premature infants encounter. During hospitalization, invasive treatment or nursing activities may influence physical indices of premature infants as well as their neuromuscular development. This study examined the impact of containment on the physical indices of premature infants after feeding using a quasi-experimental design. A total of 60 subjects were selected from the NICU at a regional teaching hospital in southern Taiwan and were randomly assigned to either of two groups, each containing 30 subjects. Containment was performed on the experiment group for 20 minutes after feeding; the control group was not subjected to any intervention measures. The research instruments included the basic information of the study subjects and measurements of their physical indices. The data was analyzed and tested with SPSS 14.0. The results indicated that containment could effectively stabilize the physical indices of premature infants and increase blood oxygen saturation (95.83 % vs. 98.37 %; F = 44.502, p = 0.000). In other physical indices, however, no significant differences were displayed. It is hoped that application of containment in clinical practice can be continued so as to increase quality of care for premature infants.


containment premature infant physical index


