  • 期刊


A Research on the Accuracy and Reaction Time of Anticipation for Different Players' Length of Playing Badminton


本研究以電腦輔助動作分析學習系統(Computer Aided Motion Analysis Learning System; CAMALS)及選擇反應時間測量裝置為主要研究工具,採影片模擬技術(video simulation techniques)探討不同球齡羽球運動員預期對手擊球落點準確性與反應時間的差異。受試者為高雄市莊敬國小(N=32)、英明國中(N=33)及高雄中學(N=30)羽球運動員,平均球齡分別為1.94±0.72年、4.76±0.83年、6.83±1.53年,以預期失誤率及反應時間作為依變項,採獨立樣本單因子變異數分析進行統計考驗。在本研究範圍所獲得的結論為:在國小至國中的羽球訓練初期階段,運動員預期能力的發展會隨著球齡的增長而獲得基本成長,然而在國中至高中階段,此一能力的發展則出現高原停滯的現象。


This research was done using Computer Aided Motion Analysis Learning System and the Reaction Time Measurement Apparatus to investigate whether badminton players could make constant advance in their accuracy and reaction time of anticipation when their length of playing badminton increased. The subjects of study were primary school badminton players, junior high school badminton players and senior high school badminton players whose lengths of playing badminton were 1.94±0.72 years, 4.76±0.83 years and 6.83±1.53 years, the accuracy and reaction time of anticipation were dependent variables. Data analysis was on the basis of one-way ANOVA of Independence, the conclusions were as follows. From the early stage of primary school badminton training to the stage of junior high school badminton training, player's anticipation accuracy and reaction time were basically improved when their length of playing badminton increased. However, from the stage of junior high school badminton training to the stage of senior high school badminton training, the development of this ability was in plateau stage.
