  • 期刊


A Study of Determinants of Exercise for 7th Female Students in Taiwan


現今青少年花費較長的時間看電視或是打電腦,缺乏適度的運動,導致體能狀況逐年下降。最近研究顯示,個人因素和環境因素會影響個人決定參與運動的意願。本研究藉以跨理論模式瞭解台灣地區七年級女性學生運動參與情形和在不同背景變項(種族、居住區域、運動階段)對於運動行為決定因素之差異。研究對象以台灣地區七年級女性學生為主要研究樣本,隨機抽樣(random sampling)將作為本研究取樣之方法。本研究的統計方法包括描述統計、t考驗和單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)。研究結果顯示如下:一、台灣地區七年級女性學生運動頻率大約一星期參與3-4次,而在運動行為階段上,大都數的女性學生屬於準備期階段。二、原住民女性學生會給予自己正面的激勵,在運動方面的表現比較有自信心且自覺能力高。三、東部地區的七年級女性學生在參與運動比較有自信,並且朋友之間會彼此激勵。南部學生則顯少參與運動,以至於忽略運動所帶來的益處。四、無意圖階段的女性學生沒有規律運動的習慣,而且運動技能較差,所以沒有信心參與運動,更無法體驗運動的好處。但在行動階段和維持階段的女性學生了解自己的能力層級,並且從運動中獲得樂趣和益處,養成規律運動的習慣,並能達到體適能333的目標。


The purpose of the study was to investigate determinants of exercise for 7th grade female students based on race, living areas and exercise stages in Taiwan. Random sampling was used for this study. The statistical methods include descriptive analysis, t-test & one-way ANOVA. The four results were obtained. First, the frequency of exercise in 7th grade female students was 3-4 times per week. Second, aboriginal students of 7th grade female had highly self-confidence and perceived competence. Third, the 7th grade female students had high self confidence when participation of exercise in eastern areas. They encourage each other to participate in exercise. On the other hand, the 7th grade female students seldom participated in exercise in southern areas. They ignore the benefits of exercise. Fourth, the 7th grade female students who were in pre-contemplation dislike participation of exercise. In this stage, the most of female students had poor skill, lack of self-confidence. The 7th grade female students who were in action and maintenance stage had highly perceived competence and enjoyment.