  • 期刊


General Education on Global Change


全球變遷是近十年內新起的環境議題,其觀點在強調長期以來各國區域性的環境污染與變遷,已透過大氣環流、洋流、水循環、地化循環等,影響全球氣侯、水、生態、與環境。再預期未來全球人口仍將持續增長,能源消耗還將持續,則全球環境的破壞與氣侯的變遷將與法逆轉,除非人類能將“永續發展”的觀念,具體落實。 由於全球變遷議題牽涉廣泛,而其相關研究更需縱跨學門,因此其教育層面的需求性與困難性,實在是無可比擬的艱難。本文主要說明其基礎觀點,並進而介紹台灣大學全球變遷中心正在誰動的「全球變遷」課程。


全球變遷 跨學門性 教育


The ”Global Change” issues stress that the long-term regional environmental pollution and changes has affected the global climate, water; ecology and environment, through the atmospheric circulation, ocean circulation, water cycle and geochemical cycles. Furthermore, the expected future population growth and the energy-consumption growth is going to cause further deterioration of the global environment and an irreversible change of the global climate, unless the concept of sustainable development can be materialized in the future. Owing to the extended coverage of the global change issues, the inter-discipline interactions among many academic fields are very important to the understanding of the related subjects. This paper tries to explain the fundamental concepts and to introduce the Global Change Center of the National Taiwan University. Also, a course on Global Change arranged by NTU-GCC is being introduced.


global change inter-discipline education
