  • 期刊


Guidance for the General Ability of Writing in IB DP Chinese B Course: An Example of Thinking Skills


隨著全球化的趨勢,許多學校單位積極培養具有世界公民素質的學生。學生能以尊重多元的態度去接納、反思並表達自己的觀點,這一過程是十分重要的。國際文憑組織大學預科課程(International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme,簡稱IBDP)旨在鼓勵學生成為知識淵博和努力探究的人,但同時也關心他人並富有同情心。強調鼓勵學生發展多元文化理解、開放的情懷和正確的態度,這些對於他們尊重和評價一系列廣泛的觀點十分必要。在IBDP中文B課程中,學生要描述各種情形、敘述事件、進行比較、解釋問題,並針對與課程內容相關的各種話題陳述和支援他們的個人見解。而接受技能、表達技能和互動交流技能等三方面的技能也是課程所要求的能力。寫作作為一種行為過程,提高寫作能力的同時,可以達到提高學生的邏輯思維能力、深入思考能力、清晰的表達能力,全面地開發學生的智能。本研究旨在針對IBDP中文B高級課程的寫作一般能力中的「思維力」進行探討,結合ATL中的思維技能,設計著重於加強外部評量Paper 1的寫作教學的課程。筆者期望可以透過此研究,給予IB中文老師在培養學生寫作能力「思維力」的參考。藉由提升學生中文寫作能力,也能同時培養學生成為一個具有獨立思考和思辨能力的終身學習者,進而達到IBO的目標。


寫作能力 思維力 IBDP 中文B Chinese BHL


The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. In the IB DP Chinese B HL course, students are expected to extend the range and complexity of the language they use and understand in order to communicate. They continue to develop their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, as well as their conceptual understanding of how language works, in order to construct, analyse and evaluate arguments on a variety of topics relating to course content and the target language culture(s). Students will improve their logical thinking skills, in-depth thinking skills and clear expression skills in the process of writing. This study demonstrates the combination of thinking skills of the DP Chinese B HL course and the thinking skill in the general ability of writing. Based on the above research results, for the aim of Paper 1 writing exam, this study presents a suggested framework for designing a Chinese writing curriculum.


Writing ability Thinking skill IBDP Chinese B Chinese BHL
