  • 期刊


Research of formulated procedure and legislative achievement of Mainand China Technology bill




The feudalism of Thou Dynasty was based on two principles about loving family members and respecting ancestors. Confucianism identified with the spirit of Thou Li, so its ethic was established on emotional basis of loving family members. Legalist School rejected family ethic of Confucianism, and advocated to control people by national laws, therefore justice was honored and selfishness must be destroyed.By concentrating on ”Concealment among Family Members”, this article will discuss the difference and conflict between Confucianism and Legalist School’s point of view. Confucianism included Confucius and Mencius. Legalist School included Guan Zi, Shang Yang, and Han Fei. This article combines problem study with comparative study. Through presenting a focal question, we can test the good and the bad between Confucianism and Legalist School. The achievement of this study may contribute some values to contemporary character education and civic education.
