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作者(英):Tan, Chu-Sheng
論文名稱(中):利用結構方程式探討日照服務問卷設計 : 以台北市社會局為例
論文名稱(英):The applications of Structural Equation Modeling on discussing the questionnaire of Daily Care - An example from Taipei City Government, Department of Social Welfare
指導教授(英):Liu, Hui-Mei
口試委員(外文):Liu, Chia-Yee
Hung, Ming-Chin
英文關鍵詞:Daily care supportStructural equation modelingCronbach's AlphaFactor analysisRealibilityValidity
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU201900226
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In recent years,the phenomena of aging society is getting worse and the numbers of family members are decreasing.According to the reports of Ministry of the Interior,the average numbers of family members for each family are about 2.7 persons,especially as Chiayi,Yunli and Nantou are worst.For those elders and patients who need long-term-care,the function of home-caring is declining.In other words,there are about 79.4 thousands of people are waiting for caring but there are only about 30 thousands of them are cared by their own family members.It means that for the revalant departments are forced to face the problem of caring.Therefore,the numbers of applying for caring support increase rapidly.Thus,the revalant departments have to review for each applicant through a meaningful and significant questionnaire.By using Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) ,Cronbach’s Alpha as reference of reliability,Factor Analysis as reference of Validity and pretest data to modify the original questionnaire which provided by Taipei City Government, Department of Social Welfare to reduce the numbers of questions and calculate a representative score for each applicant for evaluating the level of urgency.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 問卷介紹 1
第三節 敘述統計 3
第二章 研究方法
第一節 信度 15
第二節 效度 16
第三節 資料結構方程式模型分析 18
第四節 模型建立流程 22
第三章 分析結果
第一節 各項模型信效度 26
第二節 各項模型架構 31
第三節 最終模型信效度 34
第四章 更多模型探討
第一節 增加一子題項到各部分(E、I及G部分) 39-49
第二節 增加新潛在因子到各部分(E、I及G部分) 39-49
第三節 兩部分同時增加新潛在因子 50
第一節 最總問卷分數計算 53
第二節 結論 56
參考文獻 57
I.Cronbach's Alpha計算與推導 58
II.最終模型報表 59
III.建議之因素分析結果 61
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