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作者(英):LIAO, WEI-JU
論文名稱(英):The Impact of the Estate and Gift Tax Reforms in 2009 and 2017 on Inter Vivos Giving
英文關鍵詞:Estate and gift taxTax reformInter vivos giving
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202001806
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本文藉由2001年至2018年的遺產及贈與稅申報核定資料,並應用差異中之差異法 (difference in difference, DID) 分析我國2009、2017年遺產及贈與稅稅制改革對個人生前贈與行為的影響;其中,生前贈與行為包括:贈與意願 (以Probit模型估計)、分年贈與次數、平均年贈與金額以及總贈與金額等四個面向。
Based on estate tax and gift tax returns from 2001 to 2018 and using a difference-in-difference approach, this study analyzes the impact of the estate and gift tax reforms in Taiwan in 2009 and 2017 on inter vivos giving, including four aspects: the willingness to make inter vivos transfers (estimated by a probit model), the number of annual gifts, the average amount of annual gifts, and the total amount of gifts.
Results suggested that after the large estate and gift tax cut in 2009, decedents whose net worth was higher than the estate tax exemption significantly increased the willingness to make inter vivos transfers, the number of annual gifts, the average amount of annual gifts, and the total amount of gifts. Furthermore, the increasing effect was greater with increasing decedents’ net worth and smaller with the increasing property share in net worth. After the small estate and gift tax increase in 2017, decedents did not significantly decrease inter vivos giving overall. However, low net worth decedents increased inter vivos giving while high net worth decedents decreased inter vivos giving, which was also consistent with the trend that the decreasing effect was greater with increasing decedents’ net worth. Additionally, the effective tax rate elasticity of giving from these two tax reforms showed that the tax rate elasticity of the tax increase was larger than that of the tax cut. It represented the tax increase effect on inter vivos giving was greater than the tax cut effect under the same degree of tax increases and cuts.
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 4
第二章、文獻回顧 6
第一節、理論動機 6
第二節、實證文獻 7
第三節、展望理論—損失趨避 12
第三章、模型設定 14
第一節、研究方法 14
第二節、實證模型與預期結果 18
第四章、資料結構 26
第一節、資料處理 26
第二節、總體資料分析 28
第三節、模型樣本篩選與敘述統計 32
第五章、實證結果 39
第一節、整體效果 39
第二節、稅率彈性 42
第三節、各財富高低群組之分組效果 43
第四節、各財富組成群組之分組效果 48
第六章、結論與建議 53
參考文獻 55
附錄 57
附錄一、遺產稅及贈與稅稅收與占比 57
附錄二、兩次稅改贈與分析 (以有稅案件計算金額) 58
附錄三、兩次稅改整體效果 (改用金融資產占比變數) 60
附錄四、兩次稅改整體效果 (不含淨財富變數) 62
附錄五、2017年稅改整體效果 (以2018年被繼承人分析) 63
附錄六、兩次稅改財富組成分組效果 (不含淨財富變數) 64
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