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作者(英):Cheng, Tai-Chun
論文名稱(英):Facing History: Rousseau on the General Will and the Legislator
指導教授(英):Chou, Chia-Yu
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Hao
Wei, Chu-Yang
英文關鍵詞:Jean-Jacques RousseauHistoryGeneral WillLegislatorSocial Contract
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202100055
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This thesis attempts to articulate how Rousseau’s implicit view of history deeply influenced his perspective towards the General Will and the Legislator, through the way he defended the “coherent system” for the consistency of his texts. In this thesis, I contend that the aim of both The Social Contract and The Second Discourse is to resolve the inevitable corruption in the history of human nature. Specifically speaking, the main idea of The Social Contract is to overcome the false contract emerged in history development described in the Second Discourse. In addition, the role of Legislator is to direct the self-enslaved social men to become the citizens who are able to establish Social Contract on their own. Finally, I conclude that in the reforming projects for Geneva, Poland and Corsica, as a legislator, Rousseau provides the remedy for certain social impediment, based on his judgment of history.
目 次
第一章 緒論 5
第一節 前言 5
第二節《第二論述》的研究方法與盧梭的寫作意圖 9
第三節 自然與歷史:自我完善的能力 15
第四節 章節安排 22
第二章 面對歷史I:社會契約論 26
第一節 《社會契約論》之前的歷史情境 26
1. 自重之愛及其誘發的邪惡與奴役 28
2. 「假契約」與奴役的歷史循環 34
第二節 克服奴役:《社會契約論》 39
1. 「從邪惡裡尋找醫治人類的補救辦法」 43
2. 「新的結合」與「如以往一般自由」 47
3. 普遍意志的共同性與時間性 53
第三章 面對歷史II:立法家 66
第一節 立法家的科學 71
1. 《第二論述》與《社會契約論》的過渡問題:語言 72
2. 立法家的說服技藝 75
第二節 英雄主義與立法家 80
1. 政治與哲學的不和睦 81
2. 英雄的超卓之能 83
第四章 盧梭的歷史 88
第一節 盧梭與日內瓦 90
1. 日內瓦的宗教思想與政治生活 91
2. 十八世紀日內瓦的政治危機 92
3. 盧梭論日內瓦政府與人民 97
第二節 「正如建築家建立一座大廈」:盧梭作為立法家 103
1. 盧梭論愛國情感的運用 105
2. 現代立法家:盧梭的立法技藝 112
第五章 結論 117
第一節 面對人類的慾望史 117
第二節 理想與現實之間 119
附錄:參考文獻 122
一、 Jean-Jacques Rousseau本人的著作 122
二、中文參考資料 122
三、外文參考資料 123

一、 Jean-Jacques Rousseau本人的著作
1979. Emile : or, On education. New York: Basic Books.(Translated by Allan Bloom)
1990. The Collected Writings of Rousseau, Vol. 1. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. (Edited by Roger D. Masters and Christopher Kelly ; Translated by Judith R. Bush, Christopher Kelly, and Roger D. Masters)
1992. The Collected Writings of Rousseau, Vol. 3. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. (Edited by Roger D. Masters and Christopher Kelly ; Translated by Judith R. Bush, Christopher Kelly, Roger D. Masters and Terence Marshall)
1994 The Collected Writings of Rousseau, Vol. 4. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. (Edited by Roger D. Masters and Christopher Kelly ; Translated by Judith R. Bush, Christopher Kelly, Roger D. Masters)
1997a. The discourses and other early political writing. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.(Edited and translated by Victor Gourevitch)
b. The social contract and other later political writings. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.(Edited and translated by Victor Gourevitch)
2001. The Collected Writings of Rousseau, Vol. 9. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. (Edited by Christopher Kelly and Eve Grace ; Translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush)
2005. The Collected Writings of Rousseau, Vol. 11. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. (Edited by Christopher Kelly ; Translated by Christopher Kelly and Judith R. Bush)

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