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作者(英):Lin, Pin-Chun
論文名稱(英):The Ethics of Design Thinking and the Spirit of Project Capitalism
指導教授(英):Kao, Kuo-Kuei
口試委員(外文):Tsao, Chia Rong
Huang, Han-Yu
英文關鍵詞:Project CapitalismAutonomyAuthenticityDesign ThinkingMuseology
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202200380
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設計思考(Design Thinking)經常被視為打造符合使用者需求的商品/服務之商業策略。全球領導設計和創新公司IDEO,主張它是企業創新和改變世界的方法。目前,它廣泛滲透至企業界和學術界,導致全球正掀起一陣設計思考旋風。此外近年來,創意、適應力、團隊合作也是職場要求軟性技能的排行榜常勝軍。設計思考一般被定位為挖掘創意和適應跨領域合作的心法。順此脈絡,設計思考既能給人帶來愉悅事物的互動體驗,又是作為應對流變世界的系統工具。然而,設計思考真的是如此完美的工具嗎?它的風行僅由於宣傳者的賣力嗎?基本上,本研究欲站在資本主義的社會變遷面上來看待此事。進一步言,本研究也會探討設計思考為個人和社會帶來的影響。

Design Thinking is usually understood as a business strategy for designing user-centered products or services. IDEO, a top design and innovation consulting firm, has promoted Design Thinking as a business-innovating and world-changing method. Design Thinking has been trending across the industrial and academic worlds in recent years. In addition, creativity, adaptability and teamwork have become indispensable job requirements nowadays, and design thinking is generally positioned as a great training tool to excavate creativity and facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration. In this context, Design Thinking not only creates a pleasurable user experience and but also presents a systematic tool in response to our topsy-turvy world. However, is Design Thinking a cure-all? Can its proponents take the credits for its popularity? Fundamentally, we intend to understand Design Thinking within the changing context of capitalism. Furthermore, we seek to interpret the impacts of Design Thinking on individuals and societies.

Accordingly, this thesis firstly contends that contemporary capitalism has become project-based and fractalized. To survive in the fractalized world, countries, cities, organizations and even human life itself must be immersed in all kinds of projects. Secondly, the thesis accentuates the elective affinity between the spirits of capitalism and the ethics of Design Thinking. The notions of experimental spirit and experience design in Design Thinking resonate with the spirits of autonomy and authenticity in contemporary capitalism. As a result, contemporary capitalism is able to appeal to the masses effectively by means of Design Thinking. Thirdly, the thesis dives into the discourse of Design Thinking, which comprises the concepts of creative potentiality, humanized design and precession of action with an aim to analyze the ways in which this discourse justifies and strengthens the spirit of project-based and fractalized capitalism. Thereafter, we aim to highlight the dark sides of design thinking, thereby reflecting on anxiety brought out by promoted innovation, suffocation triggered by intimate empathy, and fatigue provoked by positive actions.
Eventually, acknowledging the ethics and dangers of Design Thinking, the thesis resorts to Boris Groys' s museology to theorize a new image of social relation beyond Design Thinking, which is more akin to heterogeneous and innovative, transparent but distancing, individualized yet holistic forms of society.
謝辭 ii
摘要 vi
Abstract vii
目錄 ix
第一章、前言 1
第一節、研究動機 1
第二節、問題意識 4
第二章、資本主義的解放狂歡 7
第一節、經濟化與金融化資本主義:政治、經濟與個人的關係 7
第二節、專家化與符號化資本主義:文化、經濟與個人的關係 12
第三節、專案化與碎形化資本主義:代名詞X與個人的關係 17
第四節、小結 27
第三章、設計思考書籍探勘 30
第一節、研究方法 30
第二節、研究對象 33
第三節、研究對象特性 35
第四章、資本主義和設計思考的圓舞曲 37
第一節、專案化和碎形化資本主義精神 37
第二節、設計思考內涵 42
第三節、從「自主性」類比至「實驗精神」 46
第四節、從「本真性」連結至「體驗設計」 50
第五節、小結 54
第五章、設計思考的倫理 55
第一節、創新潛能 56
第二節、以人為本 64
第三節、行動先行 69
第四節、小結 75
第六章、設計思考的危險 78
第一節、創新享受的焦慮 79
第二節、親密同理的窒息 83
第三節、積極行動的疲乏 88
第四節、小結 92
第七章、結論 94
第一節、 研究回顧 94
第二節、 設計思考的超越 97
第三節、 研究限制 104
第八章、參考資料 107
第一節、專書 107
第二節、期刊文章、研究報告 110
第三節、網路資料 110
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