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作者(英):Lee, Yun-Wen
論文名稱(英):The Influence of Open Access on Scholarly Publishing and Academic Libraries for the Electronic Thesis in Taiwan
指導教授(英):Chiu, Jeong-Yeou
口試委員(外文):Chuang, Tao-Ming
Lin, Wen-Yau
英文關鍵詞:ThesisOpen accessDegree Conferral ActCopyrightLicense model
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/THE.NCCU.LIAS.001.2018.A01
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Sharing of knowledge and research achievement is an important driving force for social progress. With the the digital age coming and the open access movements rising, access information resources in electronic form become a common phenomenon. In response to the trend of the digital era, the revision of the Degree Conferral Act is conform the modern users who reading electronic files, and also reaches the public's rights in publicly reading thesis in the National Central Library, thereby promoting academic resource sharing and academic exchange.
The study through the literature collection and analysis, to understand the domestic and international thesis in business model and open access, its operation and collection strategy. Second, to understand the relationship between the Degree Conferral Act and the Copyright Act on the electronic thesis of public reading. This study uses interviews to investigate the attitudes of the National Central Library, industry, and college libraries in the open access of thesis electronic file, and the impact of the law on it, and the way that how thesis authorized and implemented, in order to understand the future development.
The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) In the acquisition and dissemination of the thesis, the academic information has both the characteristics of public goods and the characteristics of private personal information property rights; the user's payment does not hinder the acquisition of the thesis, and the resource cannot be obtained because of the author does not agree to authorize. The public reading of the thesis, users can access resources through the value-added platform. It has many benefits for academic and social development. (2) In the application of thesis value-added, the thesis platform can effectively improve the academic visibility of the authors and increase his/her influence, and the thesis platform play the role of preserving the academic resources of Taiwan over the years, so that the academic resources can be sustainable. (3) In terms of basic practice, the exchange of thesis should retain the original versions to avoid ethical issues; the comparison system is only a tool for detecting the similarity of articles, it cannot be used for judging plagiarism of articles. (4) The Degree Conferral Act protects the rights of the public to read, and the Copyright Act guarantees the rights of the authors, and also takes into account the harmonious development of the society and enhances the public interest; the authorization method of the thesis of some colleges should be adjusted to comply with the law of Degree Conferral Act.
This study explored the following conclusions: (1) establish a fair credit agency; (2) Government authorities lead the development of academic resources in Taiwan; (3) Formulating a complete legal norms and a permanent preservation policy for electronic thesis.
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與研究背景 1
第二節 研究目的與研究問題 6
第三節 研究範圍與限制 7
第貳章 文獻探討 9
第一節 公共選擇理論與公共政策制定 9
第二節 學術資訊的屬性、關連與影響 18
第三節 學位論文電子檔公開閱覽的著作權與相關法律問題 31
第四節 學位論文開放取用與商業加值應用之探討 45
第參章 研究設計與實施 69
第一節 研究架構 69
第二節 研究方法與設計 71
第三節 研究對象 74
第四節 研究工具與研究步驟 75
第五節 訪談資料分析與處理 79
第肆章 訪談結果與分析 81
第一節 受訪者背景描述 81
第二節 學位論文公開閱覽之影響 82
第三節 論文不公開或延後公開之影響 90
第四節 學術圖書館與產業目前現況與面臨的困境 94
第五節 授權書分析 105
第伍章 結論與建議 117
第一節 結論 117
第二節 建議 125
第三節 後續研究建議 127
參考書目 129
附件一 ETD-MS Metadata 139
附件二 UKETD_DC Metadata 141
附件三 授權內容—中山大學 143
附件四 授權內容—中央大學 144
附件五 授權內容—中正大學 146
附件六 授權內容—中興大學 148
附件七 授權內容—交通大學 149
附件八 授權內容—成功大學 151
附件九 授權內容—臺灣大學 154
附件十 授權內容—逢甲大學 156
附件十一 授權內容—臺北科技大學 157
附件十二 授權內容—臺灣師範大學 161
附件十三 授權內容—清華大學 162
附件十四 授權內容—國科會科資中心 165
附件十五 授權內容—國家圖書館 166
附件十六 授權內容—華藝數位公司 167
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