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作者(英):Wang, I-Han
論文名稱(英):Using National Health Insurance Database to Explore Type II Diabetes Situation of Taiwan’s Elderly
英文關鍵詞:National health insurancePopulation agingType II diabetesBig dataMedical utilization
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/THE.NCCU.RMI.002.2019.F08
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Due to the change in life style, the metabolic syndrome related diseases has surpassed cancer and become the leading cause of death in Taiwan. Among all these diseases, diabetes poses a major threat to people’s health, and it also causes a heavy financial burden to Taiwan’s National Health Insurance system. The prevelance rate of diabetes increases with ages, especially serious for the people over 65 years old, and it also increases with time. As a result, it is expected that the diabetes related medical utilization will boost with the aging population. However, according to Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators and International Diabetes Federation, many diabetes patients do not know that they have the diasease, which causes people delay their treatment time and loss of health, or even their lives. Thus, we aim to explore the medical utilization of diabetets patients, and provide the study results to Taiwan’s government and insurance companies suggestions to improve the life quality of patients.
Our goal is to estimate the incidence rates, mortality rates, and prevalence rates of type II Diabetes in Taiwan. The study is based on the 2005 Taiwan’s Elderly Survey Database, Taiwan’s National Health Insurance Database. The data set includes Registry for beneficiaries (ID), outpatient visits (CD), and inpatient admissions (DD). It should be noted that, in order to avoid moral hazard, the diabetes patients are defined to be those with the chronic prescription. We found that the prevalence rates and incidence rates of type II Diabetes increase with ages and rise with time. About 50% diadetes patients did not visit doctors and this indicates that people need to pay more attention to their health. Also, we found that the medical utilizations of type II diabetes patients is higher than those of non-diabetic patients (e.g., 10 times in the number of outpatient visits) and about 50% of the kidney dialysis patients were also diabetes patients.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧與研究方法 5
第一節 慢性病及慢性病連續處方箋相關文獻 5
第二節 糖尿病相關文獻探討 6
第三節 資料庫介紹 7
第四節 研究方法 9
第三章 第二型糖尿病醫療使用率 12
第一節 第二型糖尿病之門診醫療使用情形 12
第二節 第二型糖尿病之住院醫療使用情形 18
第四章 第二型糖尿病之首發率、死亡率及盛行率 23
第一節 第二型糖尿病之首發率 23
第二節 第二型糖尿病之死亡率 35
第三節 第二型糖尿病之盛行率 37
第五章 第二型糖尿病併發症與商業保險的應用 40
第一節 第二型糖尿病與洗腎 40
第二節 商業保險之應用 43
第六章 結論與建議 45
第一節 結論 45
第二節 研究限制與未來研究方向 46
參考文獻 48
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