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作者(英):Chang, Wei-Chen
論文名稱(中):意識功能之探討: 持續閃現抑制下之字義處理限度
論文名稱(英):Exploring the function of consciousness: the extent of semantic processing under continuous flash suppression
指導教授(英):Huang, Shwu-Lih
Yeh, Su-Ling
口試委員(外文):Huang, Shwu-Lih
Yeh, Su-Ling
Chen, Yi-Chuan
英文關鍵詞:Semantic primingcontinuous flash suppressionconsciousnesssubliminalbinocular rivalryinterocular suppressionthermalpersonality
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU201900332
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The function of consciousness remains under debate. We excavated this issue via examining whether and to what extent that the unconscious semantic information can be processed. By manipulating the semantic congruency between the prime and a subsequent target, we observed and compared conscious (Experiment 1) and unconscious (Experiment 2-4) semantic priming effect among different types of semantic association. The prime was either binocular presented (i.e., visible) or suppressed by colorful Mondrians using continuous flash suppression (CFS) paradigm. The prime was a Chinese word which carries the meaning of either coldness or warmth, and participants had to discriminate whether the target was warm or cold with their reaction times (RTs) recorded. We first verified that there was a positive priming effect for semantic congruency in all types of association (i.e., direct, cross-form and indirect conceptual association) when primes were perceptually visible in Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, both the primes and targets were words semantically related to temperature directly, whereas the primes were perceptually invisible via being presented simultaneously with a high-contrast dynamic mask (i.e., CFS) to one of each eye. The results showed slower mean RTs in the congruent than the incongruent condition, suggesting a negative priming effect under CFS. The target was then replaced with illustrations of cold and warm scenes (Experiment 3) or conceptually related words describing personalities (Experiment 4), which represented more distant semantic association. The results showed no difference in RTs between the incongruent and congruent conditions. These results delineated the boundary conditions of semantic processing under CFS. Word meanings can be accessed and spread to highly-associated meanings, but not when the prime and target are different forms (e.g., word vs. illustration) or indirectly associated concepts.
Introduction 1
Experiment 1: Semantic Priming with Awareness 8
Method 10
Result 22
Discussion 24
Experiment 2: Directly Semantic Association under CFS 25
Method 25
Result 31
Discussion 33
Experiment 3: Cross-Form Semantic Association under CFS 36
Method 36
Result 39
Discussion 41
Experiment 4: Indirectly Conceptual Association under CFS 42
Method 42
Result 45
Discussion 46
General Discussion 47
References 53
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