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作者(英):Chen, Yun-Han
論文名稱(英):The Emotion Regulation of TV Journalists Regarding Online Negative Feedback
指導教授(英):Huang, Wei-Wei
英文關鍵詞:JournalistsTV JournalistsOnline negative feedbackCyberbullyingEmotion regulation
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202000810
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In this Internet era, TV Journalists, apart from labor conditions issues, are confronted with negative feedback from netizens who review and comment interviews via the Internet. This study aims to identify what factors cause online negative feedback and investigates what emotional regulation abilities TV Journalists should have and whether the TV media they work with should provide relevant assistance.
With the in-depth interview method, this study interviewed eleven TV reporters and drew the following three findings. Firstly, TV reporters generally do not look into online feedback except the feedback providing news materials or when they are reminded. The top two platforms of online comments that are most viewed by TV reports are YouTube and Facebook, which provide two feedback areas, namely the comment area below videos and the chatbox in live videos. Secondly, TV news practitioners care more about negative information when viewing online feedback. The interviewees mentioned nine elements that may bring about negative feedback: interview form, question raising in live-streamed press conferences, work process, report writing directions, standpoints of TV stations, topics reported, reporting live skills, appearance and stature of anchors and reporters, and interviewees. Among them, the interviewees who experienced Internet bullying elaborately shared the beginning and end of the interviews that caused cyberbullying toward them, their emotional regulation during cyberbullying, physical and psychological status, and the final relief in mind. The interviewees believed that (1) the changes in online feedback comment platforms, (2) the collection of TV news topics via the Internet, and (3) the changes in news professional ideology are the factors that lead to increasing online negative feedback. Despite different opinions on whether or not this situation is cyberbullying, the interviewed TV news practitioners all had developed the ability to regulate their emotions to handle online negative feedback. Their handling methods were dominated by keeping away and evasion. Of note, there are also some interviewees who avoided netizens’ negative comments by reporting in an anonymous way or refusing to show their faces in the news. Thirdly, the interviewees all expressed that TV news organizations lacked assistance in protecting them from online negative feedback. They recommended that TV media develop a set of assistance procedures and provide legal assistance in response to online negative feedback, thus allowing TV Journalists to devote themselves to their work while having no worries behind.

第一章 緒論 2
第一節 研究背景與起源 2
第二節 研究動機 6
第三節 研究範圍與名詞釋義 9
一、名詞釋義 9
二、研究範圍 10
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 新聞專業意理與網路 11
一、新聞專業意理 12
二、依賴網路素材衝擊新聞專業 15
第二節 網路回饋與新聞從業人員 16
一、閱聽人回饋 16
二、網路提供閱聽眾反饋、主動參與 20
三、國內電視新聞媒體之網路新聞平台對於閱聽人回饋 21
第三節 新聞從業人員面對網路負面回應感知 24
一、感知與自我效能 24
二、網路霸凌 25
第四節 網路負面回饋之情緒調適 29
一、情緒 29
二、情緒調適能力 30
第五節 電視新聞從業人員身心狀況與負面回饋 34
一、電視新聞從業人員身心健康狀況 34
二、來自網路負面回饋留言 35
第三章 研究方法 37
第一節 深度訪談法簡介特色 37
第二節 訪談大綱 40
第三節 研究對象 45
一、受訪對象背景 45
第四章 研究資料分析 48
第一節 電視新聞從業人員面對網路回饋 48
一、電視新聞從業人員面對網路回饋 48
二、電視新聞從業人員查看網路回饋平台 53
三、電視新聞從業人員負面網路回饋情境 57
第二節 電視新聞從業人員認為網路負面回饋成因 75
一、網路回饋留言平台改變 75
二、過度依賴網路素材當作新聞 82
三、新聞專業意理改變 85
第三節 電視新聞從業人員面對網路負面回饋 88
一、網路霸凌 88
二、身心狀況、倦怠 90
第四節 電視新聞從業人員情緒調適能力 94
一、先前導向 面對網路負面回饋感知、情緒 94
二、反應導向:面對網路負面回饋反應、行為調整 102
三、新聞組織對於網路負面回饋之協助作為 116
第五章 研究結果與討論 121
第一節 主要研究發現 121
一、電視新聞從業人員網路回饋情境 121
二、網路負面回饋情境之情緒調適與應對 122
三、電視新聞組織對網路負面回饋之協助作為 126
第二節 研究貢獻、限制與建議 127
參考文獻 129

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