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作者(英):Hung, Shu-Ching
論文名稱(英):A Case Study on the Sustainability of Steelmaking Company
指導教授(英):Yi-jia Chiu
英文關鍵詞:Steelmaking companySustainable development strategyGreen transformationClimate changeCarbon neutralityCircular economy
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202200141
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The steelmaking industry has an important function and position in the economic and social development. The steelmaking industry is one of the most important basic industries in the domestic economy. The research question of this study is: take a case company as an example to explore the connotation and structure of the sustainable development strategy in the next five years?
With the increasingly serious environmental problems, the relationship between humankind and nature has become one of the most important issues facing human society. Green actions with a single main axis have quite limited functions on environmental governance issues, and green governance is a brand-new governance concept. Green governance emphasizes the synergistic function of multiple governance spindles, and the enterprise is the most critical unit of action for the green governance. In the recent years, under the background of the government's vigorous efforts to promote the construction of ecological civilization, the energy consumption rate of the steelmaking industry has been reduced, pollutant emissions have also been controlled, and the green governance of the steelmaking industry has achieved obvious results.
This research is based on the green governance and selects the L case company as a case analysis to analyze the overall process of the case company’s green governance in the next five years and the possible problems in the green governance process. This article summarizes the green governance measures of the L-case company from the three aspects of the company's green system design, manufacturing engineering projects, and green technology innovation, explores the possible problems in the development process of the L-case company's green governance, and puts forward to the relevant suggestions. This research starts from the three major aspects of enterprise industry chain update, enterprise technology research and development, and energy conservation and environmental protection investment, and analyzes the motivation and strategy of green transformation of the L case company.
The conclusion of this study is that the future domestic steelmaking industry must adhere to the sustainable development strategy of low-carbon, green and intelligent, follow the laws of industrial development, and strictly control the blind expansion of production capacity and the growth of output. The sustainable development of the steelmaking industry needs to realize the functional expansion of steelmaking manufacturing, strengthen the systematic layout of the industry and the reorganization and integration of enterprises, promote the optimal adjustment of the process structure, and construct the physical information system of the steelmaking plant. On the basis of expounding the basic concept of sustainable development, explore the connotation and structure of the sustainable development strategy of the L case company in the next five years.
誌謝詞 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究問題與目的 2
第二章 產業與個案介紹 3
第一節、美國的煉鋼產業對國內煉鋼產業的借鏡經驗 3
第二節、煉鋼產業永續發展的策略架構 3
第三節、煉鋼業未來的發展 4
一、協同發展 4
二、未來的發展趨勢與目標 5
三、發展的策略與前景 6
第四節、煉鋼業因應全球氣候變遷的策略分析 7
一、煉鋼低碳技術發展方向 7
二、煉鋼業的碳排放挑戰 8
三、低度排放技術策略 10
第五節、個案公司簡介 12
一、基本資料 12
二、沿革興起 12
三、經營團隊 14
第三章 個案分析 15
第一節、製造設備與原料 15
一、原料 15
二、電弧爐 15
三、精煉爐 16
四、連續鑄造機(CCM) 16
五、軋鋼 17
六、品質管制 17
七、成品 17
第二節、在未來五年期間L個案公司與煉鋼業之因應策略 18
一、在未來五年期間L個案公司之因應策略 18
二、在未來五年期間煉鋼業之因應策略 18
第四章 結論與建議 21
第一節、研究結論 21
一、L個案公司未來五年永續發展策略的內涵與架構 21
二、L個案公司針對上下游廠商的策略 22
第二節、對實務界的建議 25
一、實現全球因應氣候變遷的目標,必須在下列方面做出努力 25
二、煉鋼業低碳發展標準系統改善及執行之建議 26
三、對煉鋼業的策略建議 27
參考文獻 28
一、中文部分 28
二、網路部分 29

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