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作者(英):Chen, Ming-Te
論文名稱(英):China's Foreign Economic Strategy and the Response in Southeast Asia: A Case Study of Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam (2013-2019)
指導教授(英):Yang, Hao
口試委員(外文):Chen, Tsung-Yen
Chen, Ping-Kuei
英文關鍵詞:Economic strategyDiplomatic stanceExplanatory typologyStrategic spectrumThreat perceptionEconomic expectations
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202201263
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  本文將時間軸聚焦在2013年至2019年,並以印尼、菲律賓、越南作為案例研究的國家。在研究方法方面,本文在Chen and Yang(2013)類型學分析的研究基礎上,透過相關政治及經濟指標的設立,並加入國內政治的影響因素來測量案例國「威脅感知」和「經濟期望」的變化,希望能藉此剖析中國戰略對東南亞國家外交立場的影響,並探討各國於戰略光譜上是否有發生位移的現象。
  This thesis aims to evaluate the impact of China's foreign economic strategy on Southeast Asia, and focuses on how Southeast Asian countries responded: domestic feedback on China's strategy and variations in the spectrum of diplomatic choices. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the nature of foreign policies of regional countries through the recent rise of China and its economic initiatives in Southeast Asia, and to analyze the structural order and future development of geopolitics.
  This thesis focuses on the timeline from 2013 to 2019, and takes Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam as case studies. Based on the explanatory typology analysis of Chen and Yang (2013), this thesis adopts political indicators, economic indicators, and the influencing factors of domestic politics to measure the variation of “threat perception” and “economic expectation” of the case countries. This thesis aims to analyze the influence of China’s strategy on the diplomatic stance of Southeast Asian countries, and evaluate whether there is a shift in the strategy spectrum of each country.
  According to the case study in the thesis, each of the case country shows different degrees of variation and shift in the strategic spectrum, which suggests the "dynamic" nature of the foreign policy of Southeast Asian countries. Finally, this thesis also makes an overall analysis of China’s foreign economic strategy, and provides insights and suggestions on the prospects of foreign policies of Southeast Asian countries and regional geopolitics.
  In conclusion, this thesis focuses on the dynamic nature of diplomatic stance, sorts out the indicators and variables that affect strategic choices, and concentrates on the interaction between the policies and responses of great powers and small countries. It is expected that the research results can provide relevant guidance for China's foreign economic strategy and the foreign policies of Southeast Asian countries.
第一章 緒論 1
  第一節 研究背景:中國-東南亞的雙邊互動與戰略實踐 1
  第二節 研究問題與問題目的 9
  第三節 文獻回顧
  第四節 研究方法與研究侷限 25
  第五節 章節安排 34
第二章 案例研究:印尼的戰略選擇與回應 35
  第一節 印尼-中國的關係發展與外交政策概述 35
  第二節 安全層面的測量指標 37
  第三節 經濟層面的測量指標 44
  第四節 國內政治的影響因素:政治菁英與民間社會的回應 60
  第五節 章節小結:印尼的指標位移與回應 69
第三章 案例研究:菲律賓的戰略選擇與回應 75
  第一節 菲律賓-中國的關係發展與外交政策概述 75
  第二節 安全層面的測量指標 77
  第三節 經濟層面的測量指標 85
  第四節 國內政治的影響因素:政治菁英與民間社會的回應 99
  第五節 章節小結:菲律賓的指標位移與回應 108
第四章 案例研究:越南的戰略選擇與回應 115
  第一節 越南-中國關係的發展概述與外交政策 115
  第二節 安全層面的測量指標 118
  第三節 經濟層面的測量指標 125
  第四節 國內政治的影響因素:政治菁英與民間社會的回應 140
  第五節 章節小結:越南的指標位移與回應 148
第五章 結論 154
  第一節 中國對外經濟戰略的成效:東南亞的實踐與回應 154
  第二節 中國戰略的再剖析與東南亞地緣政治的展望 158
  第三節 研究限制與未來研究方向的再檢視 162
附表 165
參考資料 177

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