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作者(英):Li, Yi-Chi
論文名稱(英):How to be an Authentic Influencer?A Study of Influencers’ Linguistic Strategy in Solving the Dilemma between Authenticity and Marketing Intent
指導教授(英):Chung, Wei-Wen
口試委員(外文):Chi, Hsu-Hsien
Fang, Nien-Hsuan
英文關鍵詞:Influencer marketingBeauty influencerSponsored videoDilemmaWeAuthorityInoculationAuthenticityImpression managementLinguistic strategy
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202201356
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影響者行銷是當代極其重要的一種行銷手法。然而,影響者經常在行銷過程中遭遇兩難的困境。影響者既要完成合作品牌的行銷目標,同時又需要維持閱聽人的信任。本研究目的在探討,影響者如何運用語言策略管理形象,既達到行銷目標,又保持本真性的形象。本研究選取YouTuber Kelly 所經營的兩個YouTube頻道:「TheKellyYang」、「SHOPAHOLIC 凱利依法」,作為分析個案。

本研究發現影響者使日常影片與業配影片相互配合,來化解此一兩難。同時,影響者運用四個語言策略化解困境。第一,影響者透由 Vlog 影片長期與閱聽人分享生活,讓閱聽人對自己有所了解,培養長期的信任關係。第二,影響者運用包容性的對話,讓閱聽人覺得自己和影響者屬於一個群體,鞏固信任關係。第三,影響者分享專業知識和個人經驗,協助閱聽人做消費決策,建立權威性。第四,影響者針對閱聽人對業配合作的疑慮,運用語言策略來消除疑慮。
Influencer marketing is an extremely important marketing technique, which influencers and brands co-produced creations, in recent years. However, influencers often encounter the dilemma in influencer marketing. Influencers need to achieve the goal of marketing, which from cooperating with brands and maintaining trust with audiences at the same time. This research focuses on exploring how influencers manage their image through linguistic strategies in influencer marketing. This research chooses two YouTube channels, which manage by YouTuber Kelly: ‘TheKellyYang’, ’SHOPAHOLIC凱利依法’as case study.

This research finds that influencers make sponsored videos and non-profit videos cooperate with each other to maintain authenticity. Influencers use four strategies to solve the dilemma. First, influencers build long-term relationships with audiences through Vlogs which let audiences know themselves and trust relationships. Second, influencer argues that they are "on the same side" with audiences to strengthen the relationship of trust. Third, influencers share personal experiences and synthesize experiences to empower audiences with systematic knowledge. This helps influencers build authority, and also helps audiences make purchasing decisions. Fourth, influencers make statements in advance to prevent audiences from having much more doubts about the sponsored videos.

第二章、文獻探討 4
第一節、 影響者的本真性4
一、本真性 4
二、本真性與行銷意圖的衝突 6
第二節、 形象管理的語言策略11
一、 內容11
二、 表達形式14
三、 表達技巧18

第一節、 個案研究20
第二節、 Kelly個案說明20
第三節、 資料範圍21

第一節、 建立長期關係25
第二節、 建立對話關係27
第三節、 樹立權威性31
第四節、 打預防針33



附件二:頻道「SHOPAHOLIC 凱利依法」影片母群體列表50
附件三:「我~愛~上~卸妝油~了 【植村秀】全能奇蹟金萃潔油」51
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