  • 學位論文


A study of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Op. 27, No.2

指導教授 : 卓怡君
共同指導教授 : 張以惠(Yi-Huei Chang)


路德維希.范.貝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven, 1770-1827)是一位代表古典樂派結束,與浪漫樂派開始的偉人,為歷史上永垂不朽的音樂巨人。他常能破除傳統拘束,毫無保留的藉由音樂表露自己,對鋼琴奏鳴曲的創作,幾乎一生都沒有放棄,囊括了貝多芬在鍵盤上全部的創作生涯,每首作品不僅表現了他的生活歷程,更見證了音樂作品的蛻變。   「月光」它擁有獨特又另人印象深刻的旋律,依據學者蘭茲(Wilhelm von Lenz, 1809-1883)的年代劃分法,屬於他第二階段的作品,在結構上有不少革新之處。像是沒有遵循傳統的「快-慢-快」結構、重心也不如以往放置第一樂章而是在最為戲劇性的第三樂章…等,這樣的改變可以看見貝多芬的藝術風格,漸漸將西方音樂從古典主義轉向浪漫主義,此曲在貝多芬的音樂作品裡佔有重要的地位也同時是最有名的音樂作品之一。   本文乃針對筆者畢業音樂會中演奏的曲目之一:貝多芬鋼琴奏鳴曲作品二十七第二號「月光」做樂曲創作背景、樂曲分析、演奏詮釋的研究,由本曲獨特的感受、優美深切的旋律,看透內在情感轉變的過程。並透過其家庭背景、生活經歷、作品風格、感情生活…等研究,進一步了解貝多芬,並期待在演奏上可做出更貼切的詮釋。   全文共有四章:第一章緒論,描述研究動機與目的、研究範圍及研究方法與步驟;第二章文獻探討,藉由相關文獻來深入探討貝多芬的生平、作品分期與作品的影響;第三章為樂曲分析,首先關於本曲的創作背景論述,之後將每一樂章做曲式與結構分析,再進一步探討樂曲詮釋;第四章為結論,將上述歸納,發表為此論文之研究成果。


貝多芬 鋼琴奏鳴曲 月光


Ludwig van Beethoven(1770-1827), who brought an end to the Classical periods and subsequently opened the Romantic periods of music, was known for his ability to breakthrough preconceived limits. His passion for music never diminished or halted throughout his life. The thirty-two Piano Sonatas demonstrated the full spectrum of Beethoven’s creative abilities. It is also a reflection of the struggles he experienced throughout the different stages of his life. With the keyboard serving as his vehicle, Beethoven was able to demonstrate his passion with no restraints.   The Moonlight Sonata, a composition contains unique and impress melody, is quite innovative in its structure. According to the period partition propose by Wilhelm von Lenz, the Moonlight Sonata belongs to Beethoven second period composition. Comparing to the old style structure “fast-slow-fast”, and “focusing on the third movement rather than first movement”, western composition has been brought to romanticism from classicism by unique Beethoven style; furthermore, The Moonlight Sonata becomes one of the most important and famous composition in Beethoven’s life.   The dissertation is focused on one of the author’s composition performance in the recital: Beethoven’s Piano Sonata Op. 27 No.2, “Moonlight”. The research behind this piece includes the creative background, the musical analysis and the performance interpretation. Beethoven's person growth and development can be witnessed through The Moonlight Sonata’s unique essence and melodic elegance, and to understand Beethoven more by doing an in-depth examination of his family background, living experience, composition style, and personal love story. It was undoubted that Beethoven's music impacted the following generations. Also, by analyzing Beethoven's work from the different stages of his life, the reader will harness the ability to perform Beethoven’s music with superior resemblance.   There are four chapters in the thesis: the first chapter is an introduction, the second chapter is literature review from different stages of his life, the third chapter includes the analysis of musical form and structure of each movement and the last chapter is the conclusion.


Beethoven Piano Sonata Moonlight


丁逢辰(譯)(民83)。論析貝多芬32首鋼琴奏鳴曲(原作者:克里姆遼夫)。台北: 大呂出版社。
李桅(譯)(民83)。貝多芬傳-命運的反抗者(原作者:安.札果爾日)。台北:開今 文化。
周克希(譯)(民83)。貝多芬--完成生命的意志(原作者:Autexier, P. A.)。台北:時報 文化出版企業有限公司。
