  • 學位論文


The study of brand relationship and brand equity to the consumer behavior

指導教授 : 胡政源




The modern consumer habits change created the emergence of well-known brands on the market, and therefore so many brand owners to note that communicate with each other as a bridge between the consumer, the research from brand relationships, brand equity and consumer behavior literature Corollary brand relationship with consumers behavior should have a relationship, and thus the development of a brand relationship, the theoretical framework of brand equity mediates the effect of consumer behavior research hypothesis, hypothesis 1: brand relationship has a positive impact on consumer behavior; study hypothesis 2: brand relationship on brand equity has a positive influence; research hypothesis 3: brand equity has a positive impact on consumer behavior; research hypothesis 4: brand equity of the brand relationship with the consumer behavior has mediating effect.The study results demonstrate the Research hypothesis 1 to study the assumptions of hypothesis 4, part of Hypothesis 4 by its research more clearly know the brand equity in the brand relationship with the consumer behavior has a significant mediating effect.


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