  • 學位論文

兒童閱覽室空間規劃與活動行為之研究 -以臺中市公共圖書館為例

Spatial Planning for and Activity Behaviors in Children’s Reading Rooms: A Case Study of Public Libraries in Taichung

指導教授 : 王伶芳


2003年行政院文化建設委員會推動「公共圖書館空間及營運改善計畫」專案補助公共圖書館改善館舍空間,希望全台公共圖書館將原有空間加以改善提昇。因此,本研究為了解臺中市公共圖書館設置現況,與檢證申請環境改造與否對於兒童閱覽室閱讀行為之影響與設計手法差異,將研究分為兩個階段執行。第一階段探討臺中市13所公共圖書館兒童閱覽室環境規劃現況,第二階段探討兒童閱覽室空間造形對使用者行為的影響。其中針對13所公共圖書館,依遴選案例標準進行研究對象遴選,並將遴選案例區分為傳統造形與現代造形空間兩大群組進行:1)空間環境規劃特徵分析;2)使用者活動行為與活動領域調查;3)個案追蹤等三部份的進階研究。研究對象含括兒童、成人與老人等三個族群6個年齡層共116位男、女使用者。 研究目的:1)分析臺中市13所兒童閱覽室空間規劃現況;2)探討不同空間造形兒童閱覽室空間配置形式與環境設計特徵;3)分析兒童閱覽室使用者屬性與組成;4)探討不同空間造形兒童閱覽室使用者之閱讀行為內容及活動領域。 研究發現:1)臺中市有八個行政區,兒童閱覽室平均面積187.97平方公尺,面積最大為667.87平方公尺。面積越大環境規劃越完善,相較於其它兒童閱覽室另有故事屋、茶水區、廁所等空間的設置;2) 5館兒童閱覽室有8成採開放式設計,並設有木地板活動區;空間配置皆以閱覽區為核心;面積分配平均以書庫區面積最大占35%,其次為閱覽區占12.5%。現代造形空間分區最細,將書庫區細分為成人圖書區、外語圖書區及漫畫區,並有獨立閱讀空間及舒適座椅的規劃;3)平均5館兒童使用者占47.3%、成人占38.5%、老人占1.8%,其中成人以上族群陪伴2歲以下兒童的出現率高達20.2%,其中老年族群更占1.2%,鑑於高齡化社會現象,故整體環境規劃應將通用設計納入考量;4)研究發現空間造形、空間色彩活潑性與地板形式會影響幼童行為內容;5)「現代造形」因書庫區櫃體為多元造形,形式活潑,兒童閱讀行為的姿勢也更多樣;「傳統造形」書庫區為單一造形,沉悶制式,行為內容以借閱圖書為主。


The Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan, promoted the Public Library Spacing and Operation Improvement Program in 2003, which provided subsidies to public libraries to facilitate space management. The aim of this program was to improve the existing spaces in all public libraries in Taiwan. To understand the current public-library configuration in Taichung City and to verify whether applying for environmental restructuring influenced the reading behavior of users in children’s reading rooms and the space design methods, this study constituted 2 research stages. The first stage involved a discussion of current environmental design plans for children’s reading rooms in 13 public libraries in Taichung City. In the second stage, we explored the influence that the layouts of children’s reading rooms have on user behavior. The participants were selected from 13 public libraries in Taichung City based on the inclusion criteria. The selected cases were further divided into traditional-layout and modern-layout groups to enable the following experimental tasks: (a) spatial environment planning characteristic analysis, (b) user activity behavior and activity area survey, and (c) case tracking. The participants were 116 male and female users, who were classified into 6 age groups (including children, adults, and elderly adults). The objectives of this study were as follows: (a) analyzing the current space design of children’s reading rooms in the 13 libraries of Taichung City; (b) exploring the space designs and environmental design characteristics of children’s reading rooms that comprised differing layouts; (c) evaluating user attributes and composition regarding children’s reading rooms; and (d) investigating the reading behavior and activity area of users in children’s reading rooms that possessed varying layouts. The following results were obtained. (a) Taichung City consists of 8 administrative districts. The average area of children’s reading rooms is 187.97 m2 and the maximum area is 667.87 m2. Compared with smaller reading rooms, rooms with larger areas exhibit comprehensive environmental planning, such as the inclusion of story houses, complimentary tea or water, and restrooms. (b) For the children’s reading rooms of 5 libraries, 80% of the area featured an open-space design that contained an activity area covered by a wooden floor. The core of the room constituted the reading area. Bookshelves occupied the most area (35%), followed by the reading area (12.5%). The modern-space design included specific space partitions; bookshelves were divided into adult-book, foreign-book, and comic-book shelves, and independent reading areas and comfortable chairs were also incorporated. (c) Users of the 5 children’s reading rooms constituted 47.3% children, 38.5% adults, and 1.8% elderly adults. Among the users that accompanied children 2 years of age or younger, adults accounted for approximately 20.2% and elderly adults accounted for 1.2%. Considering the phenomenon of an aging society, the overall environmental layouts should incorporate a universal design. (d) The findings showed that the space layouts, color vividness, and floor designs influenced child behavior. (e) Modern designs included a unique bookcase design that enabled children to read while adopting diverse positions. By contrast, traditional bookshelves presented a single arrangement, which was dull and restrictive, and met only the main purpose of borrowing books.


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