  • 學位論文


The Association among IFRSs, Institutional Environment and Cost of Debt Capital─Evidence from Chinese List Company

指導教授 : 劉政淮
共同指導教授 : 王琮胤(Tsung-Yin Wang)


面對國際資本市場之多元發展與企業趨向跨國營運之經營模式,全球之會計準則已朝向與國際會計準則(International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS)接軌。目前國際會計準則對於市場參與者究竟帶來較多的利益抑或較高的成本並無絕對定論,因此本文之研究動機為探討會計制度改變所帶來的影響及經濟結果的重要性,並以中國上市公司為研究之對象,探討採用IFRS前、後與制度環境對負債資金成本變化之影響作為研究方向。實證結果顯示,IFRS及制度環境分別皆可顯著降低負債資金成本,而IFRS與制度環境之交乘效果亦顯示,制度環境愈好的地區在導入IFRS後,其負債資金成本會降低。由於IFRS為近期新興之研究議題,而關於IFRS與負債資金成本間關聯性之文獻尚不多見,本研究結果除了彌補學術文獻之缺口,亦能於實務上提供投資人於選擇中國市場作為投資標的時之參考,期能藉由本文對採用IFRS後之經濟結果,而對其有更深入了解。


In the face of diversifying global capital markets and a growing tendency for corporations to adopt transnational management practices, accounting standards around the world are converging with rules set by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). This study is motivated by the fact that, despite mounting demands to develop a set of generalized accounting guidelines, the economic impact of introducing new accounting standards is still unclear. More specifically, there is inadequate research in the current literature to answer definitively whether market participants will derive greater benefits or increased costs from a new international accounting system. Since few scholars have focused on the subject of cost of capital, this study analyses changes in the cost of debt liability among publically listed Chinese companies before and after the introduction of IFRSs, in order to gather empirical evidence on this topic. Results indicate that adopting IFRSs accounting standards and an effective institutional environment will both significantly reduce the cost of debt capital for a company, and analysis of crossover interactions reveal that introducing IFRSs in a superior institutional environment results in further cost reduction. The results of this study offer both academic and practical value, especially in understanding the financial impact of IFRSs for multinational businesses considering investments in China.


