  • 學位論文


A study of operating model analysis for improving airforce flight safety

指導教授 : 陳嵩 莊立民


飛航安全問題牽涉到多項專門領域的知識,而環境在快速變遷之際,為能確保飛航安全的工作,即須時時檢討現行飛安作業、程序及運作的缺失,並在短時間內有效改進,如此才能避免空難悲劇的發生。 2000及2004年在我國空軍飛航史有紀錄41年以來,兩度達成航空器全年零失事率紀錄。除此外,航空界多數管理者,亦以「零失事率」為努力追求目標。因此唯有消除每一個不安全的因子,「零」的目標才有可能達成。然而在蝴蝶效應(Butterfly Effect)理論下,往往自認為絕對安全,卻是造成災難的最主要原因(Lorenz)。回顧新加坡航空公司成立30餘年來從未發生空難,卻於2000年10月31日以近百位罹難者教訓收場為證,應驗經由不同科學驗證發現許多現狀並非是線性,而實質上非線性存在自然界中(Mark et al.)。 軍事航空器一旦發生事故,在直接與間接損失上雖不及民用航空器,可是軍事戰力損耗及任務人員傷亡,仍是須要省思探討,否則『凡是可能出錯的事,準會出錯。 - IF IT CAN GO WRONG, IT WILL. -(Murphy's Law)』的理論,將會持續發生。 本研究主要目的在發展並建構適合空軍飛航安全預防作業效能的評量模式。模式建構的步驟,除相關文獻的探討外,並整合焦點群體訪談法、專家意見諮詢法及層級分析法等質性與量性方法,透過國內之學者專家、航空界專家意見的彙整,歸納及選擇衡量指標,並求算出各構面及指標之權重,以建構完整之飛航安全預防效能衡量模式。本研究結果發現,就專家學者而言,促進空軍飛航安全預防作業主要構面之重要性依序為,「管理制度」、「監控機制」、「安全作為」及「安全環境」。綜合航空界與空軍實務界專家的看法,認為評估飛航安全預防作為實施發揮之效能以「管理制度」較為重要,其中「管理制度」尤以『安全策略』最為重要;而『飛安文化』重要性為次要構面中,僅次『安全策略』之程度。 在層級分析研究過程發現雖有極高之一致性,卻潛存航空界與空軍實務界在權重優先次序上的些陵t異,顯示仍有相當的改善空間。據此,本研究提供策略上的建議。而本研究建構之飛航安全預防效能之衡量模式,將可提供後續研究者與航空界一個完整且嚴謹的分析模式,在實務或理論研究上均具有相當的參考價值。


The flight safety problem concerns several of specially domain knowledge. Owing to the rapid changing flight environment, it is necessary for us to review the procedures and operations constantly to find out if there any faults existed which can be coped with instantaneously. So tragedy can be prevented and the flight safety can be ensured. In the year of 2000 and 2004, the Taiwan Air Forces achieved the twice outstanding zero casualty record for the past 41 years . Besides, the whole aviation management is also to strive to chase the highest goal –“Zero casualty”. Therefore, except the non-safety factors have been eliminated the goal of “Zero casualty” can not be achieved. Under the Butterfly Effect theory, tragedy will always happen right after you think everything is going to be just fine. Take the Singapore Airline for example. the company has never experienced any flight mishap for its past 30 years , but one big mishap happened that took more than 100 passengers life on October 31 2000. The mishap that occured has been verified that it will never to be a linear diagram from different scientific statistics. In fact, the non-linear curve always happens in the real world. So everything will not always to be fined. Comparing to the civilian flight mishap, the military aviation will not cause the huge disaster. However, it will lower the fighting power and endanger jet pilot’s life. That have to be think over carefully. Otherwise it will like Murphy’s law stated that " IF IT CAN GO WRONG, IT WILL " . History will repeat if we pay no attention to it. The main goal of this research is to develop and construct a localized measuring model suitable for the task of reducing flight mishap in Taiwan Air Forces. In addition to researching relevant literature on the subject, the steps involved in the construction of our measuring model will include an opinions consultation of the experts, scholars in Taiwan aviation industry. Furthermore, focus group interview method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis method integrated by qualitative and quantitative methods will be employed. We will summarize the expert’s opinions, select the measurement indicators, and calculate the weight of dimensions and items. After finishing the construct of aviation mishap prevention model, the empirical study will reveal the validity and reliability of the measuring model of the present study, and that it will prove the suitability of the measuring model which researchers and aviation industry in Taiwan can use to achieve the goal of flight safety.


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