  • 學位論文


On the positioning the orientation of a golfball using image servoing control

指導教授 : 林榖欽


機器視覺技術在工業檢測上的應用常伴隨著影像輔助平面定位控制,本文探討視覺輔助高爾夫球的球定位控制,球體定位相較於平面定位困難許多,且市場上並無現成的機台可供本研究之需,因此本研究設計一球體表面全方位定位機構。 本研究所使用的硬體設備包括電腦、攝影機、影像擷取卡、介面訊號DIO卡、影像擷取所需的照明設備、光纖型光電開關及伺服定位機構,且藉由相關影像處理技術及LabVIEW軟體撰寫,整合成一視覺輔助高爾夫球定位系統。 因高爾夫球表面上分佈著凹洞,其表面滾動接觸摩擦力為一隨機變數,本研究採用影像伺服方式來補償因摩擦力的作用所造成定位偏差,經實驗証實本影像伺服控制策略確能將任意擺放的高爾夫球球表面Logo做精確定位,以利高爾夫球Logo瑕疵、表面斑汙點、及表面粗糙等瑕疵檢測。


Visual servoing is everywhere in the field of automation inspection, while the orientation control of a golf ball is explored in this study. The explored problem is more difficult than that of visual servoing control of objects moving on a plane. The hardwares used in this study consist of a computer, a charge-coupled device, an image capturer card, a DIO card, an illumination equipment for image capturer, a photoelectric switch of optical fiber type, and a ball orientation positioning control mechanism. Because the surface of a golf ball is covered with dimples, the surface friction could generate random forces which will affect the ball orientation control precision. Therefore image servoing control is implemented to overcome the friction problem to achieve good control precision. The experiments conducted in this study show that precise control of the golf-ball orientation is advantageous for the inspection of golf logo defects such as surface stains and surface roughness, etc.


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