  • 學位論文


The Effect of Brand Benefit on Brand Loyalty---The Mediating Effect of Brand Relationship

指導教授 : 陳怡昌


民國八十四年全民健保實施後,藥品市場極速的增加,從民國八十五年621.8億上升到民國九十五年1002.5億,根據2007年中央健康保險局的資料統計,藥品市場約佔健保總支出26%,所以國內外的藥廠在此一市場上競爭相當的激烈,不論在藥品的宣傳或者是舉辦各種學術活動皆不遺餘力,目的即是為了讓醫師更深入了解該公司藥品,而產生實際處方行為,以增加公司銷售業績,但是醫師面對不同品牌的藥品,是因為藥品本身的臨床療效或是與銷售人員的關係程度,進而影響醫師的處方行為以及對品牌的認同,是本研究主要探討的問題。 本研究的主要目的是以品牌關係為中介變項,探討品牌利益對於品牌忠誠度之影響。藉由問卷調查的研究方法,本研究針對台灣各大醫院的醫師,發放包含「品牌忠誠度」、「品牌關係」與「品牌利益」量表的問卷進行測量。共發出三百份問卷,實際回收有效樣本230份,所回收的問卷以敘述性統計、信度分析、效度分析、因素分析、t-檢定、階層迴歸分析進行統計實證分析,研究結果如下: 1.品牌關係的親密夥伴為功能性利益與品牌忠誠度關係之中介變項 2.品牌關係的承諾依賴為功能性利益與品牌忠誠度關係之中介變項 3.品牌關係的親密夥伴為情感性利益與品牌忠誠度關係之中介變項 4.品牌關係的承諾依賴為情感性利益與品牌忠誠度關係之中介變項


Since 1995, Taiwan National Health Insurance has been implemented, the Pharmaceutical market has growing rapidly. According to the statistics of The National Health Insurance in 2007, out of 26% of pharmaceutical expenditure was contributed by the health insurance, therefore, the competition among pharmaceutical field becomes more violent, no matter the promotion of drugs or holding various kinds of academic conferences are pushed hardly, by the way, those commercial medicines are further introduced to medical doctors, thereby, the increasing of medicine usage results in growing of marketing. Either achievement of clinical therapy by drug usage or the relationship between doctors and sells clerks may affect the agreement of medicine or the behavior of drug suggestion by clinical doctors. In this study, we try to reveal those issues and examine our hypothesis. The purpose of this study demonstrates the effect of brand benefit following by brand loyalty,in here brand is as a moderator . By using utility survey as a research tool, questionnaire is designed to evalenate the covrelation for the three factors(including brand loyalty,brand agreement and brand benefit),which were constructed and sent to all of medical doctor in Taiwan. data gathered from 230(out of 300) of the corporation was analyzed by using independent sample descriptiveAnalysis,reliability analysis,validity analysis, factor analysis,t-test , and hierarchical regression analysis. The results are summarized as folloes: 1.Intimacy Partner of brand relationship is a mediator between functional benefits and brand loyalty. 2.Commitment dependent of brand relationship is a mediator between functional benefits and brand loyalty. 3.Intimacy Partner of brand relationship is a mediator between emotionality benefits and brand loyalty. 4.Commitment dependent of brand relationship is a mediator between emotionality benefits and brand loyalty.


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林怡均(2011)。連鎖速食餐廳消費者生活型態區隔與品牌忠誠度關係之研究 -以麥當勞與摩斯漢堡比較分析〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2011.00033
