  • 學位論文


Depth inversion illusion: the effect of consistency and conflict with shadow

指導教授 : 櫻井正二郎


在我們的生活環境中,存在著各種不同的物體。透過視覺辨識不同的物體可說是人類與環境互動的基本能力之一。在人類視覺處理中,建立物體表面的立體空間結構是物體辨識中的重要歷程(Marr, 1982)。物體的表面除了可能是平滑的形狀之外,亦可能具有不同之表面深度。在自然情況下,同一個物體上通常會包含多種深度訊息。我們最終看到的物體表面立體結構應是各種深度訊息經過整合後產生的結果。在Landy、Maloney、Johnston與Young(1995)的模型中,深度知覺的形成為「由下往上」之線性整合的結果。但在深度反轉錯覺(depth inversion illusion)現象中(Yellott & Kaiwi, 1979),若「由下往上」的線性整合則會獲得物體表面為凹的訊息,但實際上形成的知覺經驗卻是表面為凸。因此「由下往上」歷程不能完全解釋深度知覺的形成。深度反轉錯覺作為一種深度訊息整合的結果,其影響的因素涵蓋「由下往上」與「由上往下」的訊息。本研究即以深度反轉錯覺為例,主要針對物體知識、陰影線索與雙眼像差,試圖辨別出不同來源的深度訊息如何整合形成深度知覺。結果發現,物體表面深度知識對於深度知覺不具有選擇優先性;物體知識的影響力強弱不只在物體熟悉度差異,可能還包括形狀、質地與結構複雜度等差異,同時當物體表面形狀、質地與結構複雜度不同時,陰影的結構就會有差異,包括分佈位置、分佈面積與明暗對比度的差異。陰影線索對於人臉與其他物體的表面深度影響並不一致,訊息整合可能是非線性的過程。


In our living environment is surrounded by various objects. Recognizing objects by vision is the basic ability of human when we are interacting with environment. In vision, constructing objects’ surface structure in depth is important (Marr, 1982).The objects’ surface may be smooth, or having different depth.(convex and concave) In nature, there usually have multiple depth information on a object. We may perceive the object’s surface depth as the result of combination of multiple depth information. Landy, Maloney, Johnston and Young(1995) thought that depth perception is the result of linear combination by each cues in bottom-up process. But in depth inversion illusion (Yellott & Kaiwi, 1979), the linear combination of each cue in bottom-up process may point the object’s surface as concave, but finally, we perceived convex surface. In this case, the bottom-up process can’t explain completely how depth perception form. Depth inversion illusion is an result of multiple depth information combined affecting by information from bottom- up and top-down process. In this research, we used depth inversion illusion to characterize how object knowledge, shadow and binocular disparity combined and formed depth perception. The result, the object knowledge was not always superior in depth perception. Familiarity of object’s surface depth, shape, texture, and structure complexity would affect the knowledge of object too. They also affected the structure of shadow. The effect of shadow is not the same in human face and other objects, it’s meaning that information combine nonlinearly.


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