  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Weight Control by Intervention of Physical Fitness Assessment about workers at Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 戴嘉言


背景 肥胖是一個現今社會相當棘手的問題,無論是老人或是年輕人皆應重視此議題,因為肥胖它不僅僅使生活不方便而且可能導致慢性疾病。特別對於工廠中的勞工尤是,肥胖亦可能引起如醫療費用提高和工作性能下降的問題。因此,控制職場上勞工的體重是雇主應重視的勞工健康促進工作之一。 方法 由該公司主管勞工健康促進之單位於102年至103年間,自全公司勞工將近10,000位員工當中,自願參加「體重控制」及「健康促進」議題之衛生教育講座並且有體重過重(衛生福利部國民健康署肥胖防治網資料:BMI≧24kg/m2屬體重過重)問題之勞工參加為期6個月之體適能檢測及運動諮詢,未達體重過重而有意願參加者亦可參加。檢測項目包含體適能檢測:BMI、腰圍、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、坐姿體前彎、三分鐘登階測驗及體脂肪;由專業之體適能運動指導員提供運動諮詢服務,針對每人體能承受度給予個人化建議,強化耐力及肌力等身體機能。願意參加計劃且願意接受體適能檢測及運動諮詢並有詳盡記錄者共計171人,視為介入組;利用年齡配對選出同樣有接受過衛生教育講座之員工共171人,視為非介入組,本計劃共有342人,完整參與體適能檢測。透過與行政院教育部體育署(簡稱:體育署)公佈之國民體適能常模表進行比較,評分標準為5分量表,依序由1至5分為:不好、稍差、適當、良好、很好,用以評估分析該公司勞工體適能介入後表現之前後差異、體重下降之成效。另針對介入組(Intervention)171人之血液生化值進行前後測分析,是否隨之改變。 結果 統計數據顯示,在完整參與體適能檢測之介入組中,BMI之分層前後測p-value為<.0001;腰圍之分層前後測p-value為<.0001;體脂肪率之分層前後測p-value為<.0001,三者皆有顯著性差異。屈膝仰臥起坐及體力指數(心肺耐力指數)之前後測結果顯示有顯著性差異,需要長時間訓練柔軟度之坐姿體前彎則無顯著性差異(show p-value)。膽固醇及三酸甘油脂之前後血液生化報告顯示有顯著性差異,飯前血糖、高低密度膽固醇及醣化血紅素則無明顯差異。 討論與結論 勞工是公司最重要之資產,其身體健康著實為雇主應特別重視之問題。根據本研究之結果顯示,肥胖勞工在健康促進因子─體適能之介入下,已獲得顯著之成效差異,雖後測之BMI平均值相較於國民健康署訂定之標準數據,仍未降回健康體重標準(18.5kg/m2≦BMI<24kg/m2)之階段,但成效可見一斑,期望能持續推動體適能於公司內執行並追蹤歷年數據,建立一套推行模式,推行於各大小型公司及工廠,落實勞工體重問題之重視與管理。


體適能 肥胖 運動 體重控制


Background Obesity, it is a quite urgent issue nowadays, no matter the elder or the young should take this seriously because it would make life not only inconvenient but lead to illness. Especially the workers those who play an important role in the factory or a company, might be affected by the obesity and the side effects, such as the raising of the medical expense and the decrease of the working performance. Therefore, the weight control of the employees is the last one thing to ignore to obey the health promotion for the employers. Method The study surveyed firstly over 10,000 workers in the factory and after personal wishes confirming and age-matching, 171 subjects were selected to be the intervention and on the other hand, 171 subjects were the non-intervention. Both these two groups have joined the weight-control education at the first beginning. The body mass index, the waistline and the body-fat were compared between these two groups. The intervention was asked to test the blood exam and the physical fitness including the crunch, the sit-and-reach and the strength index. According to the standard of the normative physical fitness scores from Sports Administration, Ministry of Education, which are very poor (1 score), poor (2 scores), appropriate (3 scores), well (4 scores) and very well (5 scores) to analyze the effectiveness of weight control by intervention of physical fitness. Result The result shows that the data of the body mass index (BMI), the waist circumference (WC) and the body-fat are all declined significantly by intervention of physical fitness from the intervention. (p-value<.0001*) Although the non-intervention shows the significant outcome between the pre-test and the post-test but it performs not as well as the intervention in the fastest group of the subjects. Meanwhile the crunch, the strength index, cholesterol and triglyceride are obviously improved by intervention. (p-value=0.0004* , p-value=0.0002*) The cholesterol and the triglyceride are both declined significantly by intervention.( p-value=0.0462* , p-value=0.0002*) Conclusion The employees are the most important property in the factory and their health must be taken seriously. The related education might improve some indexes but the intervention of physical fitness show much more effective performance in weight control. Overall, it offers a great help to decline the waistline and the body-fat in a short period by the intervention of physical fitness. There is significant effectiveness on cost for an institute to betting in the health promotion and powerful effort to support the health promotion work.


physical fitness obesity exercise weight-control


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