  • 學位論文


Conscious of fire Safety for Residents in Xinhua Traditional Street

指導教授 : 邵珮君


近年來,火災是我們生活環境中頻率高且較為嚴重災害之一,由於都市早期發展地區,多存在缺乏完善防火規劃、居民火災風險認知不足、高齡化等問題,火災發生時容易造成搶救上的困難。本研究以都市歷史街區之防火規劃為研究方向,研究對象為台南市新化區中正路上之新化老街。透過文獻回顧與田野調查,釐清新化老街環境現況以及街區內火災安全課題。透過問卷調查,利用SPSS做統計分析,針對傳統街區的防火安全機制以及改善對策提出建議。 透過田野調查發現,老街建築主要為日治時期巴洛克式建築,內部多為木造易燃建材,且部分頂樓有鐵皮加蓋情形;周邊巷道多汽機車違停及違規搭建情形,此外老街內住商混合複雜,商家用火頻繁且堆放較多易燃物品,易成為老街火災高風險區。且店家周邊無設置消防設施,缺乏符合法規標示之消防栓,火災時易導致救災困難。 針對問卷調查分析發現: 1. 多數居民皆認為老街的木造建築易造成火災延燒的危險。女性對於滅火器材的使用以及火災安全是較不清楚的; 2. 半數受訪者認為電器線路老舊可能為導致火災之主因,汰換老舊電線以及加強用火管理為降低火災較好的方式;居民之居家防火器材以滅火器為首要考量,願意負擔成本介於700~1200元; 3. 近八成居民未曾參加與消防演練,而火災發生時最重要為3-5分鐘的初步搶救,半數以上的男性受訪者認為能在消防隊來前協助火災初期滅火,因此更需要加強滅火器材的設置宣導與使用; 4. 女性、較年輕族群及學歷較高者有意願參加社區救災組織,可強化此人力資源,藉由設立街區內消防組織及加強夜間巡守以推動社區防火工作。


In recent years, In recent years, fire is a kind of serious disaster with high frequency of occurrence in the life. However, the rescue operation is hard to perform when fire hazard happened as the fire safe plan is not considered properly in the early development of urban areas, residents lack conscious of Fire Risk, overall population aging. This study focuses on the fire prevention plan for historic block, Xinhua in Tainan. Through literature review and field survey, the fire safety issue for historic block of Xinhua was clarified. SPSS statistical analysis and questionnaires was adopted in this research in order to suggest the mechanism of fire prevention for Xinhua historic block. Through the field survey, it was found that the buildings built in Japanese colonial period were mainly in Baroque style with flammable wood materials. In addition, some buildings were constructed extra floor by iron sheet iron with flammable materials. These phenomena become the key risk of fire spreading when fire occurred. Besides, cars and motorcycles park illegally in the street, and commercial stores and residential buildings are located in the same area with many flammable goods would become hot spot of higher fire risk. Furthermore, lack of fire facilities and regulatory labeling of fire hydrants, these would be difficult to rescue when the fire occurred. Through the analysis of the questionnaire, the results are found as follows: 1. Most residents had conscious of fire risk on fire spreading easily when the wooden buildings get on fire in the historic block/area. The female people were not clear on using fire-fighting equipment with lower conscious of fire safety. 2. Half of the residents thought the main reason of fire was old electric cord. To replace the older electric cord would be the better way to reduce the risk of fire occurrence. Besides, a fire extinguisher was considered as equipment put in the home, and the affordable cost for fire equipment in the home were NT$700~1,200. 3. Almost eighty percent of residents had not participated in the fire drill. Half of male residents could support fire rescue in initial fire stage. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen and educate the usage of fire-fighting equipment. 4. Women, younger population and people with higher education were willing to participate in community-based disaster mitigation organizations. Such kind of human resource could be strengthened to promote the local fire safety by establishing block-driven volunteer firefighting organization and night patrol at night.


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