  • 學位論文

透明情感空間 – 以嗅覺感官出發

Unseen - The Space Of Emotion – From The Olfactory Sense

指導教授 : 魏德樂


我們無法確切說出這個世界上總共有幾種氣味,在我們呼吸的同時,便可能嗅到某種氣味,每個人在不同時地,嗅到相同味道,便會在各自心中,留下對這氣味的連結。因此,同一種氣味對於每個人能產生不同的畫面、連結不同的記憶。當我們已經無法用清楚的語言或直覺的影像畫面,去描述我們那記憶、那回憶或我們所遺忘的經驗,或許氣味可以給我們更多的想像和線索。 本論文作品以嗅覺感官出發,探索自己熟悉的空間,找尋消失的氣味以及遺忘的經驗。作品一“有關係也沒有關係”選擇兩種極度反差的感官,希望藉由嗅覺的想像,結合視覺的直觀,讓觀者藉由自身不同的感受與記憶連結,憶起他們遺忘的經驗或過去的事。作品二“憋氣十五秒”,想以反向去思考,人們對於空間中,這習以為常的空氣,這當下空氣中夾雜著氣味分子,希望觀者可以透過此裝置運作,察覺空間中這無形存在卻充滿空間的氣體(氣味)。作品三“在此呼吸,思考著鼻子會習慣氣味,是一種嗅覺疲勞的反應。也許我們總會對生活產生某種習慣,總是要在遇到某種衝擊、改變或是勾起回憶的事物,才會讓我們珍惜或回味從前。希望觀者能將這情緒帶到任何空間,感受自己那熟悉空間中,那已很難察覺到的氣味。


We can't distinguish how many kinds of smell there are. We breathe and simultaneously we smell. Though we smell the same odor, we individually might arouse various memories concerning to different space and time and even our backgrounds. Therefore, the same smell can incur differently individually, reminding them with different images and memories related to that particular smell. The thesis explores the familiar space of oneself from the olfactory sense to the disappearance of odor and forgotten experience. With two extremely contrastive senses, the first creation “Never Mind” has an intention to make audiences recall their forgotten experiences and memories from the past according to their visual intuition and their imaginary olfactory sense. In my second creation ”Stop Breathing for 15 seconds,” I choose to think reversely, hoping that the viewer would get used to the air, which mingled with the odors in the space. My hope is that the viewers could have an alternative imagination or better yet, experience through this device, thereby feel an invisible matter that exist almost everywhere. The third creation ” Deep Breath” reflected on the nose that fatigued to the odor, the situation "olfactory fatigue" influenced me to think that we will get used to our life. Only when something changes, being attacked, or something in the past suddenly appears in our minds, that we would cherish more and arouse many memories. I hope that the viewers could have an alternative imagination, experience though their familiar room with this emotion, thereby feel the unawareness matter that exist almost here.


http://www.peterdecupere.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=95:cultural-odor-generator&catid=1&Itemid=98 (2013.3.13 瀏覽)
http://www.ueda.nl/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=99&Itemid=566&lang=en (2013.3.11 瀏覽)
[ 11 ] Philipp Engelhardt(2010). “Hildapromenade 4”.
[ 12 ] Peter Michael Traub(2011). “ItSpace”.
[ 1 ] Rachel Herz著,李曉筠 譯(2009)。《氣味之謎:主宰人類現在與未來生存的神祕感官》。台北:方言文化出版。
