  • 學位論文


The Study and Application of Light and Sense in Interactive Digital Art

指導教授 : 許素朱


隨著科技演進,個人電腦的普及與人機介面的不斷進化下,互動科技為過去靜態的展演方式帶來新衝擊。大眾透過親身經歷如世博、花博、夢想館等大型互動展覽後開始了解展演大量的運用互動科技確實能為他們感官上帶來有趣的經驗與感受;當民眾已經充分了解互動科技所能帶來的樂趣時,如何在展演中巧妙結合互動科技並使觀者獲得更有趣與更驚嘆的感官體驗也變成展演精彩程度與新奇感的重要指標。 在本論文「光感互動科技在於數位藝術之應用與研究」中,「光感」不單是光線於視覺上的解讀,其意義更擴展到與其他身體的感知層面;即為看見與看不見但感知得到的。在當前互動科技作品中,使用動力及特殊結構改變光影變化並與感測器結合,使觀者在感官上有所刺激是目前展演上經常運用的方式;本人將其解構為動力裝置、光線與感應器等三項分類,並針對國際數位藝術展演中運用動力、光線、群體互動感測等應用之於展演做為相關發展與文獻探討。 本人基於對科技藝術中透過光線改變觀者感知部份感到興趣,以光感互動科技提出兩件作品;分別為光投影應用之於〈微感知或LED與鍍鋅鐵線〉是源自本人從小到大對於光線所帶來的感受與回憶所創作之作品,以及互動數位裝置藝術作品與LED與動力裝置之於〈W.A.V.E. 城市微幅〉互動數位表演藝術作品。最後,在結論部份將檢討作品在執行時缺失以及可改進的部份。


With the technological development and under the spread of personal computer and evolution of human–computer interface, the interactive digital art has brought new impact to the previous static performances. After experienced large-scale interactive expositions like World Expo, Taipei International Flora Exposition, Pavilion of Dreams, people have started to realize that people could actually gain interesting experiences and sensations by utilizing interactive digital art devices. When people can fully understand the pleasure brought by the interactive technology, how to cleverly combine interactive technology with performances to make the audience acquire excellent sensory experiences becomes an important indicator of excellence and novelty of the performances. In this thesis, the word “light sense” is not only interpreted as the effect of light to visual. Its meaning also extends to other sense levels of our body. In modern interactive digital art works, it is most common using the power and special structure to change the effect of lights and shadows and also integrating the sensors to stimulate the sensation of the audience. I classified these concepts into three categories: kinect devise, light device and sensor. I have discussed the relevant development and essay explorations about the application of kinect devise, light and the interactive sense devices in international digital art events. Based on the interest in audience sense changed by the different lights in digital art, I proposed two art works to explore my thesis: “Micro-sense LED” which uses of the light projection and “W.A.V.E.” which is an interactive performance art. In the conclusion of the thesis, I have reviewed the deficiency and improvement of my two at works and provided a new artwork I will do.


5. 桑久保亮太(Ryota Kuwakubo)。〈十度感傷〉。
1. 葉謹睿(2005)。《數位藝術概論:電腦時代之美學、創作及藝術》。台北:藝術家出版社。
2. Marshall McLuhan(2006)。《認識媒體 人的延伸》。台北:貓頭鷹出版社。
3. 山口情報藝術中心。http://www.ycam.jp/ ( 2013/2/19瀏覽) 。
4. E.A.T.。9 Evenings:theatre & engineering。http://www.9evenings.org/ ( 2013/7/28 瀏覽) .
