  • 學位論文


A Study on Frescos “Procession of the Magi ”in the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi of Florence

指導教授 : 賴瑞鎣


本文主要為探究,十五世紀畫家貝諾佐.戈佐利(Benozzo Gozzoli, 1421-1497)在西元1459-60年間,於佛羅倫斯(Florence)麥第奇•里卡底宮(Palazzo Medici-Riccardi)禮拜堂繪製的〈三王來朝壁畫系列〉(Procession of the Magi)。針對壁畫系列中,圖像配置、主題、形式、風格與圖像意義進行研究,深入探討壁畫系列中繪畫特徵、風格來源、風格融合等問題,進而瞭解十五世紀義大利地區人們的藝術品味,同時也深入釐清十五世紀義大利佛羅倫斯地區繪畫風格的發展。 明顯的,戈佐利這件繪製於文藝復興初期的〈三王來朝壁畫系列〉畫面於和諧之中蘊涵精緻富麗、色澤鮮艷的裝飾性格,不同於馬薩奇奧(Masaccio, 1401-1428)或法蘭契斯卡(Piero della Francesca, 約1415-1492)等十五世紀佛羅倫斯畫家,在作品中大量運用線性透視、具立體感的體積表現等簡約、理性的文藝復興新風格。由戈佐利1450年代的作品可知,他對於透視技巧的運用已相當熟練,但在〈三王來朝壁畫系列〉中,他卻傾向採用中世紀繪畫中常用的多視點透視描繪風景。推測他這種融合性的做法,是奠基在十五世紀特殊的美感品味之上。 因此本文除了對壁畫系列中,形式、內容、主題深入探究,更大量著墨於分析壁畫系列中饒富創造力與裝飾性的表現,包括詳盡分析畫面中對動物、人物與風景的細膩描繪,以促進對〈三王來朝壁畫系列〉繪畫特徵的理解。同時透過對壁畫系列的研究,探討戈佐利在繪畫繪製中所呈現出的多元風格融合現象,以說明佛羅倫斯麥第奇•里卡底宮禮拜堂〈三王來朝壁畫系列〉,其實反映出了十五世紀義大利佛羅倫斯權貴階級對於華美、繁複性裝飾美感的需求。


The aim of this paper is to investigate the frescoes Procession of the Magi made in the chapel of Palazzo Medici-Riccardi in Florence by the fifteenth-century artist Benozzo Gozzoli (1421-1497) during 1459-60. By studying the figure layout, theme, form, style and image of these works, the features of these frescoes, the origin of styles and the fusion of styles are examined; the artistic taste of Italians in the fifteenth century is reviewed, and the art style development in Florence in the fifteenth century is elaborated. Apparently, these works of Gozzoli made in the beginning of the Renaissance show a strong sense of decoration in a delicate, rich and lustrous style under harmony. This is different from his contemporaries Masaccio (1401-1428) and Piero della Francesca (ca 1415-1492) who exploited lineal perspective and 3 dimensions to express the new simplistic and rational style of the Renaissance. Although Gozzoli already showed mastery perspective techniques in his works made in the 1450s, a preference to the multipoint perspective landscape as found in the Middle Age reveals in the Procession of the Magi. This is probably because of the special aesthetics flavor in the fifteenth-century Florence based on which he developed such a kind of integrated style. In addition to investigating the form, content and theme, this paper focuses on the rich creativity and decorative expressions in these frescoes. This includes an in-depth analysis of the details of the animals, people and landscapes depicted in the frescoes in order to facilitate the understanding of the features of these works. Also, by studying these frescoes, the trend of style integration of Gozzoli presented in his works is examined in order to delineate the demand for luxury and sophisticated decorative beauty of nobles and privileged people in Florence in the fifteenth century as reflected in the Procession of the Magi.


有關貝諾佐.戈佐利(Benozzo Gozzoli)的專書:
Benozzo / Acidini Luchinat, Cristina, and Riccardi Palazzo Medici. The Chapel of the Magi : Benozzo Gozzoli's Frescoes in the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi Florence. London; New York: Thames and Hudson, 1994.
Stokes, Hugh. Benozzo Gozzoli. New York: AMS Press, 1976.
有關貝諾佐.戈佐利(Benozzo Gozzoli)的期刊:
Baxandall, Michael. Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy : A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.
