  • 學位論文


Self-Imagining: Touching the Untouchable

指導教授 : 曲德益


本創作論述<理想我-永不可及的追尋>共分成五個主要章節,討論創作行為與追尋理想自我的關聯,也在自身對於作品與論述的定義方面有所闡述。為了明確傳達創作者本身與創作行為的關係,本文以第一人稱的角度來進行說明。以下則是各章節的概要: 前言、「自語」:用喃喃自語、抒情的方式來引導閱讀,以帶領進入創作論述及作品的核心。其中暗示了對於創作定義的追尋過程,以及對於文字敘述精準度的質疑。 第一章、創作動機:分成三節,描述了創作的動機起源、創作定義的轉變,以及創作的狀態。 第二章、創作過程:談到創作行為當中,直覺與操作的部份,和說明對於作品完成度的判斷標準。 第三章、內容與表現性:闡述自身的觀點在作品之中用何種方式呈現。內容包括了畫面中的軀體與自身的關係、對於軀體形態的解釋、其所指涉的性別意識問題,以及藝術家作品的參照比較。 第四章、創作分析:從繪畫之前、繪畫之後的角度來討論創作的元素,和說明創作行為的本質與論述的矛盾性。 第五章、結語:釐清自身與社會的連接點、創作行為與後設的曖昧。 參考書目


理想我 意識 雌雄同體 殘缺


Self-Imagining: Touching the Untouchable includes 5 main chapters discussing art-making related to the searching of ideal self and the relationship between art works, self and self definition. To specify the relationship between self and art-making process, this statement is made by first person grammar. 5 chapter summaries are below. Preface “Self Talking” Introduced to the core statement in a way of sentimental self-talking. It indicates the process of defying art-making and speculation of word accuracy. Chapter 1 “Motive Behind Creation” This chapter divides to 3 sections discussing motivation of art-making, transformation of its definition and the self’s status of quo in art-making. Chapter 2 “Process of Creation” This chapter discusses instinctive technique during art-making and standard of one art work’s competency. Chapter 3 “Content and Expression” This chapter discusses in what way one art wok is expressed. Content includes relationship between self and body appearing in art works, expression of body with its suggestion to sex consciousness and comparison of all artworks. Chapter 4 “Analysis of Creation” This chapter discusses contradiction between art-making itself and statement from both points of view before and after artwork is completed. Chapter 5 “Conclusion” This chapter intends to clarify connection between self and society, art-making and its ambiguity to metaphor. Reference


Michel Foucault,《外邊思維》,譯者洪維信,行人文化實驗室出版,二○○三。
Carl Gustav Jung,《回憶、夢、反思》,一九六五。
Herschel B. Chipp,《現代藝術理論I》,譯者余珊珊,遠流出版,二○○四。
Herschel B. Chipp,《現代藝術理論II》,譯者余珊珊,遠流出版,二○○四。
John Berger,《觀看的方式》,譯者吳莉君,麥田出版,二○○五。


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