  • 學位論文


The Construction and Practice of Water Image: A Study of Tourist Boat Industry at Sun Moon Lake

指導教授 : 容邵武


John Urry(1990)指出,觀光消費包含了大量的凝視。人之所以會觀光的原因,就在於「觀光凝視」(Tourist gaze),它將構成觀光地的吸引力。許多學者認為觀光地的內涵是一種建構的過程,各種媒介都可能因為描述某個地方,或是旅遊地本身的文化展演,進而創造出不一樣的凝視點,使得大眾對該地產生某種意象。本研究試圖對最俱知名度及代表性的台灣旅遊盛地-日月潭,進行觀光意象的內函及建構過程探討。除了針對官方的觀光文本進行分析之外,亦以民族誌的方式,探討日月潭意象的主要接收者—遊客及私部門重要觀光及文化傳譯媒介之一的「水」意象建構者—船長,藉以瞭解船家如何具體化文本內的觀光意象落實,日月潭的觀光展演又是如何回應遊客觀光凝視中的想望,並討論其觀光遊艇產業的發展與日月潭觀光發展變遷的關係,以及前述得到的結果描繪出日月潭觀光意象的形貌。研究結果發現:一、遊客對於日月潭的觀光意象,來自於傳播媒介以及親友或自身經驗,且最深刻的意象,屬自然風光,以及臺灣知名的五星級涵璧樓飯店。二、原作為漁民及居民的生活交通工具在觀光興盛後,開始成為專職化的觀光遊艇。此行業以家族企業居多,早期更俱壟斷特質,開始有商業競爭後,服務品質向上提升。三、觀光文本的日月潭意象呈現異文化與自然、悠閒、寧靜、歡樂、歷史、健康等豐富多樣的旅遊型態。四、浮遊且封閉的船上空間,航向的操控權,主客體的互動過程,營造出船長的權力。對觀光地的熟識,融合活潑、生動的解說,加上實地帶領,以及「情緒加工」的強調,「水」意象的行動者具體化觀光文本的意象,使其成為日月潭重要觀光媒介及文化傳譯者。


日月潭 觀光凝視 意象 觀光展演


This study aimed to understand the construction process of sightseeing image to most all well-known, over-voice and representative Taiwan travels abundantly - sun moon lake. Beside the textual analysis of sun moon lake introductions which are published by Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Administration. Also by the ethnography way, I investigate the main receiver - tourist and the “water” image constructor – captain, who is one of the private department’s important sightseeing image media and the culture translator, so as to understood how the boatmen present the sightseeing image of introductions and tour boat industry development .Finally, we will know how the relationship is among tourist, tour boat, the tour site and government. The conclusions are as follows:1. The tourists` sightseeing image, comes from the vector as well as the relatives and friends or own experience, also the most profound image, is the natural scenery, as well as the Taiwan well-known five-star contains the jade building hotel. 2. After prosperous sightseeing, original works for fisherman and inhabitants` transportation vehicle start to become the specialty sightseeing yacht. This profession’s characteristic is monopolization by the family majority, after the commercial competition, service quality upward promotion. 3. The image of official introductions present the bountiful traveling type of exotic, natural, leisurely and carefree, happy, healthy and so on. 4. Knowledge about tour site, the power of move, vivid performance, makes the captain to become the important sightseeing medium and cultural translator.


sun moon lake tourist gaze image tour performance


參考書目 124
