  • 學位論文

爲何在臺灣的外籍勞工逃跑? —以越南籍勞工為例

Why Do Foreign Workers Run Away In Taiwan: A Case Study of Runaway Vietnamese Workers

指導教授 : 嚴智宏


論文摘要 從1970 年代後期起,由於台灣的經濟快速發展,國內勞工大量短缺,所以行政院於1989年10月核定「十四項重要工程人力需求」,開始引進外籍勞工,自此外籍勞工人數快速增加。但是引進外籍勞工後,相關問題隨之而起,例如這些外籍勞工在未經原雇主的同意下離開,逃逸無蹤;實際上,他們「逃逸/跑」但並未「無蹤」,他們常常全台走透透,到處打工賺錢。截至2010年12月為止,在台的外籍勞工總計379,653人,但是逃跑、未被查獲的人數累計為27,534人,其中以越南籍勞工最多(13,458人)。 何以越南籍勞工逃跑的人數最多?他們爲何能夠逃跑、不被查獲?他們在台灣有什麼人際網絡以資助其逃跑? 對於這些問題,既有的文獻主要是以「被查獲、等待遣返的外籍勞工」為研究對象,而本研究將以「在逃、未被查獲的在台之越南籍勞工」為研究對象。本研究運用深度訪談法進行田野調查,並以相關資料、研究報告等為輔進行分析,以了解越南籍勞工逃跑的動機,探究:什麼因素/條件吸引、鼓勵或逼迫他們逃跑?逃跑後的生活、工作狀況及其想法為何? 現在工作難找但為什麼他們可以到處打工賺錢?研究發現,因爲在原雇主所提供的環境下工作不順、賺不到錢、擔心無力償還來台前所借貸的仲介費、遭威脅遣送回國或者對公司不滿等因素。另外,「同工不同酬」、「差別待遇」與歧視、不尊重,都再再使得這些「外籍勞工」失去信心,所以他們選擇逃跑。他們對逃跑大都感到道歉,但是再給他們一次選擇「留在公司」或者「逃跑」的機會,他們多數的選擇是:工作條件不變的話,他們選擇逃跑。他們多數認爲自己決定逃跑,沒有被同鄉朋友誘惑或慫恿。 「同鄉」的社會網絡對逃跑越南外勞扮演一個很重要的角色,這個社會網絡除了協助這些逃跑越南外勞尋求心理上的安全感之外,還幫忙他們找工作、提供宿舍或者幫忙藏躲警察。另外,本研究也探討逃跑越南外勞與非法雇主的關係,「水無魚了無生意,魚無水了無生機。」那是一種「魚幫水,水幫魚」—彼此依存的關係,雙方沒有誰都不行,彼此都依持著對方而存活著。 此外,在田野調查越南籍逃跑勞工的過程中,因爲臺灣勞動市場的競爭力越來越大,要拿到使用外籍勞工的公司的訂單,多數仲介公司要從仲介費用中回饋給雇主,造成了外籍勞工來臺的門檻越來越高了,並是否間接形成外籍勞工逾期不歸或中途逃跑另謀高薪工作的原因? 本研究之結果可能有助於台灣的相關單位研擬輔導外籍勞工的政策,以協助外籍勞工的工作和生活,並有益於解決外籍勞工逃跑的問題。


Abstract: From the late 1970s, Taiwan's economic had quickly developed to cause a shortage of large number of domestic workers. In October 1989, the Executive Yuan approved a special measure to allow foreigners to be legally employed in the Fourteen Key Construction Project, began importing foreign workers. As the result, there was a rapid increasing in the number of foreign workers in Taiwan. However, after importing the foreign workers, Taiwan has faced with some problems, such as foreign workers left without the original owner's consent, they ran away. Although runaway, they didn’t disappear. They went all around the Taiwan to work and earn money. In December 2010, there were 379,653 foreign workers in Taiwan, however, the accumulation of runaway foreign workers without being captured was 27,534 people, in which Vietnamese workers led first (13,458 people). Why most Vietnamese workers ran away in Taiwan? Why were they able to run away, not to be seized? Had any social network in Taiwan help them to run away? For these problems, some researches were mainly based on “Foreign workers were captured and being waited to send back their countries" as the object of study. This study was mainly based on "Vietnamese workers had run away but not been captured" as the object of study. In this study, the researcher, based on the related information and other researching reports for analyzing, then used the depth interviews to understand the motives of Vietnamese workers who had run away, what are the factors/conditions that attract, encourage or force them to run away? How about are their lives and their jobs after runaway? How about are their ideas on runaway? In fact, it is very difficult to find a job in Taiwan, but why could they go everywhere to work and earn money in Taiwan? The research indicated that because of not earning enough money from the original employers to pay for the debts of Manpower Agency Companies that they had borrowed before coming to Taiwan and of being threatened with repatriation or of being disgruntled by companies they have worked for. In addition, the "Unequal pay for equal work", different treatment and discrimination caused foreign workers to lost their confidence. Therefore, Vietnamese workers have chosen to run away. They have felt sorry and apologized for the runaway. However, if giving them a choice "to stay in the company" or "to run away" , most of them would have the same choice that is they would still decide to run away if the working conditions are not changed. Most of them think that they decided to run away by themselves without temptation or encourage of their friends. Besides, social network plays a very important role in the runaway of Vietnamese workers. The social network is not only to help these Vietnamese workers seeking a psychological security but also to help them to find their jobs, to provide dormitory or to assist them to hide the police. In addition, this research also investigated the relationship between of Vietnamese runaway-workers and illegal employers. That is "fish help water, water help fish" - the interdependent relationship between the two sides that cannot be without one side, both sides are interdependent to live together. In the process of field investigating of Vietnamese runaway-workers, the researcher found that because of the cutthroat competition of Taiwan's labor market, in order to get companies’ foreign labor orders, most of these Manpower Agency Company took money from the broker fee that foreign workers had paid before going to Taiwan to pay back to the employers that caused more difficulties for foreign workers to come to Taiwan. Whether it is one of the reasons that made foreign workers to run away and to find other high-paying jobs? The results of this research may provide as a consideration for Taiwanese relevant departments when setting up foreign labor policy to assist foreign workers working and living in Taiwan as well as it may help to solve out the runaway problem of foreign workers.


───、白朗潔 ,2007年3月1日,〈移工、跨國仲介與制度設計:誰從台越國際勞動力流動獲利?〉。《台灣社會研究季刊》,第六十五期,35-66頁。


