  • 學位論文


The study of a crop and energy information system based on big data

指導教授 : 白炳豐


海量資料帶來新的資料蒐集與分析的時代,因此探討如何在龐大的資料量中分析出對決策者有幫助的資訊是很重要,而能源短缺問題和糧食危機問題與民生、環境和經濟息息相關,決策者應該要更加重視如何有效率的使用能源,並且對環境不會造成嚴重的破壞。 過去許多研究探討能源議題與糧食作物議題,但學者們著重於以單一主題分別來探討能源或是糧食作物之議題。本研究以文獻探討的方式,找出能源與糧食作物互相影響之因素,並且以探討海量資料的觀點探討能源與作物兩者之間的關係,將利用資料橫向鏈結的方式將兩者關係連結,研究結果將會發展出一個以海量資料為基礎之作物與能源資訊系統,利用此架構為基礎提供決策者進行決策之評估。


能源 作物 海量資料 乾旱 多目標規劃


Big data bring the new methodology of data collection and analysis. Therefore, the importance of how to analyze the information to help decision makers in massive data sets is critical. The issues of energy shortage and crop crisis are related to livelihood, environment and economics of human beings. Hence, efficient usage of energy should receiving more attention by decision makers to minimize the destruction to the environment. There are a lot of studies about energy and crop in the past few years, scholar focused on single issue about energy or crop. This study find literature reviews to explore the factors that will influence on energy and crop. Discussing the relationship between energy and crop in terms of big data. Using data transverse linking to connect energy and crop. Based on big data, the study will develop a crop and energy information system, providing the evaluation for decision makers to improve the decisions.


Energy Crop Big Data Drought Multiple Objective Programming


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