  • 學位論文


Hearing the Sound of a Fallen Leaf: A Narrative Study of Self-Identity of a Home-returning Bunun

指導教授 : 趙祥和


本研究以生命故事敘說的方式,呈現出一位離鄉到返鄉布農族青年的歷程,落葉歸根是返鄉的一趟覺醒生命價值回家之路,也是許多原住民們正在積極尋求「不要因為吃了漢堡,就忘記吃山肉的味道」,如何尋根踏水找到回家的路?這段旅程遭遇了什麼?看著布農傳統文化正在衰退的美麗與哀愁有哪些?而回到部落,又是另一個認同的開始,返鄉歷程要如何身體力行恢復文化傳統? 本研究於每一個章節布農族青年的返鄉生命歷程做個詮釋,並從訪談者小到大、離鄉到返鄉、對自身文化理解與覺悟,從返鄉現況到未來對布農文化的傳承展望。 本研究採質性研究中的敘說研究(Narrative Study),透過半結構訪談及蒐集相關文獻資料以及部分田野,並試將訪談逐字稿做進一步的編碼、歸類、分析與撰寫。本文詮釋一位返鄉布農族青年的認同內涵有(一)從離鄉到返鄉重構自我認同(二)布農教育薰陶下的自我認同。(三)認同布農傳統信仰,透過以上的返鄉歷程重塑了「身為Bunun」自我的價值,以及如何和與身處的文化脈絡進行生命的交織。


By using a narrative study, this thesis expresses the progress of a young Bunun's home-returning. Like a leaf falling on the ground, this young Bunun’s home-returning is the way of life value awakening. It is also the direction that many indigenous people are looking for and tracing for backing home. What has been encountered on his path? What are the dismantled cultures of the Bunun tribe that he had seen? Moreover, how did he participate in cultural revitalization with his new stage of self-identification after back to the village? This thesis documents the interviewee’s childhood, his departure from the village, the later home-returning and the understanding and awareness of his culture. Besides, it also records his current situation and the vision of passing down the culture of the Bunun. This thesis documents the interviewee ’s childhood, his departure from the village, the later home-returning and the understanding and awareness of his culture. Besides, it also records his current situation and the vision of passing down the culture of the Bunun. This article explains the identity connotation of a Bunun youth who has returned to the country. (1) Reconstructing self-identity from leaving home to return. (3) Recognizing Bunun's traditional beliefs, through the above return journey, he reshaped the value of "being Bunun" and how to interweave life with the cultural context in which he lives.


一、 中文部分
王建臺、姜穎(2012)。布農族的狩獵:歷史、空間與權利。南投市: 國史館
中央研究院民族學研究所(2010)。台灣原住民政策變遷與社會發展。台北市: 中央研究院民族學研究所。
