  • 學位論文


The Research of Hot Spring Hotel Industry Takes Lushan Area as an Example

指導教授 : 楊明青


摘要 曾經不可一世鼎盛發展名聞全臺灣的廬山溫泉區,正是前所未有的臺灣觀光發展個案,目前正在遷移至臺灣埔里鎮福興溫泉區地進行過程中。個人因為自身居住地廬山溫泉地區,但發現此地區溫泉觀光旅館業者,雖然長期因為法規限制,而被排除在外無法參加溫泉評比,卻是很辛苦地經營相關觀光產業,因此本研究目的是嘗試探究並發覺在如此產業不利發展的情境下,廬山溫泉旅館的發展到底又是實質上呈現什麼樣的情況? 首先,透文獻調查與閱讀分析,研究者針對廬山溫泉觀光發展的過去發展做一歸納的綜合事實的描述。 其次,研究者針對廬山溫泉觀光發展現況,根據交通部觀光局的溫泉旅館評鑑方式,挑選數家優質溫泉旅館業者做一相似性調查與比較分析,以確切了解相對於其他臺灣有參加「溫泉美食嘉年華」評比的溫泉業者,廬山溫泉區目前溫泉旅館產業的實質競爭力。 接著,研究者針對所有相關利益關係者涵蓋產業、政府、學界與地方民眾,實施深度訪談以探究廣大社會大眾到底對於廬山觀光溫泉旅館產業發展的事件、模式、結構,存在著什樣實質的態度與看法、信念與行動? 最後研究者針對給廬山溫泉觀光旅館相關業者未來福興溫泉區的遷移企業發展計畫提供實際務實合理可行的建議思考。 關鍵字: 溫泉產業旅館,廬山溫泉,臺灣觀光發展個案


Lushan Hot Spring Area, once famous for its unprecedented development in Taiwan, is an unprecedented case of Taiwan's tourism development. It is currently being moved to Fuxing Hot Spring Area,Puli, Nantou. I personally live in the Lushan Hot Spring area, but I find that the hot spring tourism hotel industry in this area has been ruled out due to legal restrictions for a long time and cannot participate in the annual evaluation of Hot Spring development. It is very hard for Lushan Hot Spring hotels to operate in the related tourism industry, so the purpose of this study is to try to explore, what kind of situation does the development of Lushan Hot Spring Hotel actually present under the circumstances of unfavorable development of Hot Spring? Frist, through literature survey and reading analysis, the researcher makes a summary of the general facts about the past development of Lushan hot spring tourism development. According to the current situation of Lushan hot spring tourism development, the researcher selected a number of high-quality hot spring hotel conducted the a similar survey by the tourism professionals with evaluation method of hot spring hotels of the Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Communications. And it is later to perform comparative analysis to accurately understand the current completive level participation of hot spring hotels Lushan Hot Spring Area, compared with those rated by the "Hot Spring Food Carnival" in the hot spring hotel industry. The researcher also conducted in-depth interviews with all relevant stakeholders covering industry, government, academia, and local people to explore what the general public has about the events, models, and structures of the Lushan Tourism and Hot Spring Hotel industry development. The attitudes and views, beliefs and actions of all relevant stakeholders to the vision of Lushan toursm and hot spring hotel? This research finally provides practical, reasonable and feasible suggestions and actions for the future development plan of the relocated enterprises in Fuxing Hot Spring Area related to Lushan hot spring hotel.


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